Dear Glen Mar,
I know you join me in prayer for our nation, and for our Asian American family in the wake of the shootings in Atlanta. I offer this prayer, written by Bishop Ken Carter, UM Bishop of Florida:
O God, our strength and our redeemer, we stand with our Asian-American sisters and brothers today. In the words of your saint and missionary Patrick, we pray that your Son Jesus Christ would be so pervasive among us, on every side, that we would sense his peace and power. As sinners in need of grace, remove the impulses within us to violence and the mindsets that contribute to racism. As citizens and neighbors, disturb our quiet acceptance of continuing acts of racist violence. As disciples, guide our feet in the way of peace. Amen.
Holy Week is the most sacred time of the church year and a time when we journey with Jesus to the cross and to the tomb, and to an Easter Resurrection Day. If ever we needed to be reminded that we are Easter people, this is the year for that reminder! Will you do me a favor? As part of “Give me 5” for Lent, we are inviting friends to worship for Holy Week/Easter. Here are some easy ways to bless friends and neighbors with an uplifting message of Jesus’ love and Lordship, fantastic music, and powerful prayer.
- On Facebook, we are creating “events” for all the Holy Week services. If you click “interested” or “going,” these events will show up on your friends’ Facebook pages. Super-easy! You can also “share” the events on your page also.
- Share this flier with friends via email—it has all kinds of details about in person and online options.
- An Easter Offering….On a “normal” Easter Sunday, we would have a very large offering from non-regular givers (almost $15,000). Last year on COVID Easter 1, that amount was much less. Sharing info on our services gives more people the opportunity to give in gratitude for God’s provision in this year of wilderness time. And a special second mile Easter offering for everyone who is able to give a little extra in honor of Jesus who has given it all for us would help us share the life-giving message of Jesus with more reach this Easter season.
The flier has all the Holy Week details, and for this Sunday, we’ll worship a God that our souls long for, and who comes to quench our thirst for God, with living water. There’s room for YOU too. Sign up here to be there in person or online is always an option.
See you “in Church,”
Pastor Mandy
PS Are you eligible for a vaccine and having difficulty getting an appointment? Let me know and I’ll see if we can get someone to help you navigate the process. Ma**********@gl********.org.