As the gift card program prepares for its 16th Christmas season the program is making adjustments based on post-COVID buying patterns. With over $5.2 million in gift card sales (generating almost a quarter million dollars in FREE money for ministries!), the high point of sales was 2013 when almost half a million in cards were purchased. The 2022 figure will be around $200,000.
Many cards previously popular are being discontinued due to lack of sales. They will remain available via special order, as are hundreds of other cards not maintained in the inventory. Please help the program’s cash flow by buying out the less-popular cards, thus returning more cash to the Mission Ministry Support Fund rather than having it parked in the inventory.
Some once-popular cards that are being eliminated include: American Eagle Outfitters ($25); Applebees ($25); Bath & Body Works ($10); Bath & Body Works ($25); Bed, Bath & Beyond ($25); Cracker Barrel ($10 – the $25 cards will remain); Domino’s Pizza ($10); Einstein Bros ($10); Game Stop ($25); Jo-Ann Fabrics ($25); Old Navy ($25); Papa John’s ($10); PF Chang’s ($25); Pizza Hut ($10); Rite Aid ($25); Ruby Tuesday ($25); and Wendy’s ($10).
The most popular cards remain groceries, with Giant ($1.6 million) and Safeway ($450,000) leading the way, while another nine merchants have seen sales of $100,000 or more. Wherever you are shopping, it is likely there is a gift card for that merchant. Merchant rebates average 5%, but can go as high as 20%.
If you have questions about the program, please contact fu*********@gl********.org. And keep shopping with gift cards – it is worth the effort!