
The Messenger 2022-11-01

Glen Mar Habitat Team Accepts Outstanding Faith Partner of the Year Award

The Messenger
The Messenger 2022-11-01

By Adrienne Taylor
Our annual Glen Mar Habitat Crew picnic on September 18th was a hoot this year. We enjoyed a lovely time eating and talking and RELAXING together. We love to work together, but once a year we love to just take it easy together. This year, a few folks from Habitat Of the Chesapeake joined our picnic so they could interview crew members. They recorded our acceptance for the Outstanding Faith Partner Of the Year award that would be given at their banquet this October.


Dancing Needles Group – Featured in Ties That Bind Sermon Series

Connect, Opportunities to Serve, The Messenger
The Messenger 2022-11-01
On Sunday, October 23, 2022 our sermon series “The Ties That Bind” sermon was titled “Woven.” Our congregation was invited to share what that word meant to us literally and figuratively. Our group, Dancing Needles was highlighted as a group that literally weaves – knits or crochets blankets and gives them to those in need, figuratively weaving our community together.…