Youth / Adult Baptism


    Fields with * are mandatory.

    Full Name*:

    Birthdate*: (format mm/dd/yyyy)

    Mother's full name:

    Father's full name:


    Phone*: (format XXX-XXX-XXXX)


    Are you a member of Glen Mar Church?*

    If not, are you a member of another church?*

    Would you like to become a member of Glen Mar Church?*

    If you belong to another church, which church are you a member of? (Leave blank if not applicable)


    Baptism Class is mandatory for baptism. If you have already attended one, you don't need to attend again. Baptism Class is on ZOOM on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 11:00 AM.

    Will you attend the next Baptism Class via ZOOM?*

    Notes regarding Baptism Class:

    What date do you prefer for the baptism? It must be a 3rd Sunday of the month.*

    At which service would you like the baptism to occur?*