
Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastor’s Ponderings – Snow Days

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, Our first significant snowfall in a long time has led to some time home for Glen Mar children and staff too. Snow slows us down in sometimes needed ways, and invites us to play, or to sip hot chocolate, and perhaps give thanks for the gift of life and God’s presence.   I’m hard at work…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Hope is Contagious. Be a Carrier.

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, It’s a different pastor pondering this week, as Pastor Mandy and Eric are celebrating their 30th anniversary with a cruise. I was reading an article recently that spoke about people’s openness to hearing the message of Christmas. The writer noted that, overly commercial or not, our faith story is front and center in popular culture through…

Pastor’s Ponderings – The Advent-ure Awaits!

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, Happy Thanksgiving to all, and traveling mercies to all who will be away! The Sayers family is staying put and giving thanks for all God’s blessings this year. Especially, as always, I give thanks for the blessing of being your pastor. This Sunday, December 1, is the start of the season of Advent, a time of…

Pastor’s Ponderings – A Letter To Our Schools

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, I hope you’ll join us for our 70th birthday celebration this Sunday! Pastor Emeritus Andy Lunt will be our main preacher of the day, and we will have a great time of praising God, growing disciples and serving the world together! If you missed my sermon on Sunday, folks have been wanting a link they could…