Thanks for checking out Glen Mar Church! Everything blooms at Glen Mar–from our dynamic, inclusive, and engaging worship services, small groups, children and youth programs, to the many opportunities to serve near or far, you will experience growth and transformation. Through God’s grace, we invite you to grow with us through praise, discipleship, and service.
No matter how you join us, whether online, hybrid or in person:
You are welcome here.
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, whether you have never been to a church, are a life-long Christian, or are somewhere in the middle, there is a place for you here.
Our mission at Glen Mar Church is Praising God, Growing Disciples, and Serving the World. What this means is that we are constantly seeking to love God with our hearts, learning about God with our heads, and serving God with our hands.
Our vision is to be a church that roots people into the life-giving message of Jesus Christ. Inspired by a prayer found in Ephesians 3:16-19, the key hope is that we would be “rooted” deeply in the love of Christ and come to know how very high and deep and wide that love is. That love is what leads us to praise God, want to grow as a disciple of Jesus, and want to serve others in Christ’s name.
Of course you have questions. Fire away! You want to know:
What time is your Sunday Service?
Glen Mar currently offers a spirited traditional worship service every Sunday in person or via live stream at 9:30 am. At 11:00 am, we offer a contemporary worship service in person.
What will happen on my first visit?
You will be greeted with a smile, warmth, and hospitality on your first (and every) visit. You will not be expected to stand up, introduce yourself, or come to the altar. You will be invited to get more information or share any information to connect with any communities of Glen Mar.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code. We have folks in suits and in jeans and sometimes O’s or Ravens jerseys. Wear what makes you most comfortable.
Where should I enter the building?
There are two main entrances; one near the playground when you travel to parking lots toward the left of the circle, and the other when you travel to the right of the circle to the upper parking lots.
Do I have to belong to your denomination to attend?
Not at all! Our congregation is very diverse. People come from all different faith backgrounds and denominations. Many former Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Presbyterians, other faith backgrounds – and no church background at all – attend Glen Mar Church.
Can I take Communion?
The United Methodist Church, including Glen Mar Church, practices open Communion. All are welcome to the Lord’s Table. You do not need to be a member of Glen Mar or any church to receive Communion. There are no age requirements – children are invited to take Communion if the parents wish, and they need not have been confirmed. There will be liturgy that is call and response, bread will be broken (gluten free options are available), grape juice (instead of wine) shared to all who wish to receive.
Welcoming! All services offer a time of worship through music, prayer, a relevant message from the Word of God, a time of giving, and time to be in God’s presence in community (even if virtually). Most services are about one hour long. Children and youth are welcome to attend any worship services with their families. During Sunday services, many children and youth prefer to take part in our Sunday morning programs, which are offered during the school year (Sept-June). During the summer, when Sunday morning programs are out of session, we encourage families to attend Sunday worship together. Infants and toddlers are welcome anytime at any of our worship services! The Chapel room is open during services for parents with small children who prefer to stay with them. The worship service is projected on the big screen. During the school year (Sept-June), we offer free nursery care as an option for parents. Space is limited. For the most up-to-date nursery information, search the Blog or email our Childcare Coordinator. Yes! Children and youth are welcome to stay in the Spirit Center during service. Glen Mar loves the joyful noises of children so you do not have to feel pressured to quiet or settle squirmy children. Children are fully welcome as beloved children of God. No. There are several ways to give. There are text and online options for your convenience. While Glen Mar is not a Reconciling Congregation, there are Reconciling Community groups that offer a safe space for people of every gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and so much more. Additionally, there are community groups such as Social Justice Group and Alphabet Soup that advocate for diversity, inclusion, and freedom for all oppressed and marginalized groups through advocacy, relationship and bridge building, and education.
What is service like?
Can I bring my children/youth?
What is offered for infants and toddlers?
Can my children/youth stay with me during worship services?
When it is time for offertory, do I need to have cash?
Looking for a safe space to connect?

Not sure what to do next? We’d love to help you get connected.
Start here…
– OR –
What if I want to become a member of Glen Mar?
Membership in the church is not required in order to worship, belong to groups, participate in classes, or serve in most ministries. Many people find that they want to join our church because of what they find here – they are loved, they are growing in their faith, and they are serving their neighbors in ways that are life-giving and they want to “make it official.” For those who recognize God’s call in their lives and wish to make an initial or ongoing commitment to follow Christ, becoming a member of Glen Mar United Methodist Church is an excellent way to do that. Learn more here.
Pastor Mandy Sayers Lead Pastor ext. 202
Julie Metakes Minister for Children & Families ext. 204

For after-hours pastoral care emergencies, call this pager number. At the beep, please key in the phone number where you can be reached, including the area code, and then hang up. We will call you back.