Youth Programs

Glen Mar’s youth programs foster Christian friendships, learning and love of God during the critical transition years from childhood to adulthood. Youth programs include activities, games, discussions, and small group connection. For more information fill out our Youth online form or email the Youth Minister.


Fuse is an interactive exploration of how faith and life come together for 6th & 7th graders. Fuse meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am during the school year.

Confirmation Class (8th grade & older), a year-long journey (September – May) into faith and discipleship meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.


Rooted is a dynamic, large-group experience connecting high school youth to one another and to God. Rooted meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am during the school year.


Glen Mar encourages all youth with a love for music to participate in our music ministries. Opportunities are diverse and include choral singing, youth instrumental ensembles and orchestra, participation with adult music teams, and more.


Youth Group is a chance for middle and high school youth to come together for dinner and fellowship, fun activities, service projects, and faith-related discussions. Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 pm during the school year.

Special events include retreats, fun outings, summer events, and mission trips.

Serve in Youth Ministry

Studies have shown that intergenerational relationships are a major part of helping our young people develop a long-lasting faith. There are numerous roles for adults in Glen Mar’s youth ministry, including teachers, small group leaders, mission trip crew leaders, Confirmation mentors (Friends in Faith), drivers, retreat chaperones, and hosts for summer activities.

No experience is required, but to ensure strict safety guidelines are understood and followed, all volunteers working with youth must take our Safe Sanctuaries training, which requires a background check.

If you are interested in serving with youth at Glen Mar, contact the Youth Minister.

Sign up for Middle and High School Youth News

Stay up to date with all things Youth happening at Glen Mar!
Day of Service will start on time at 8:30am