Free Community Health Fair 2022
WHERE: Glen Mar Church, 4701 New Cut Road, Ellicott City, MD 21043
WHEN: Saturday, May 21 from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm
Everyone is welcome. All services are free to the public. Pre-registration information will be coming soon and is strongly encouraged, but walk-ins will be taken as time slots allow.
FREE Community Health Fair including the following services:
- Immunizations for children (K-12) with Howard County Health Department: Varicella (K & up); Tdap and Meningococcal(ACWY) (7th grade & up); HPV (ages 11 to 18); & Meningococcal-B (ages 16 to 18)
- COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic with the Howard County Health Department (ages 5+ from 1-4 pm)
- Vision and possibly hearing checks with the Lions club (ages 6+)
- Foot and ankle health check with a medical group (Podiatrist)
- Health Screening (blood pressure & BMI checks) with Howard County General Hospital (ages 12+)
- Blood Drive with the American Red Cross
Anyone 17 years and older and 110+ lbs may register for the blood drive; 16 years with parental/guardian consent. Blood donation can take an hour to complete.
[Under Date Range, click + Choose My Dates and select May 21, 2022]
We are looking for and working with medical service providers to add additional health services like:
- Adult Immunization: Tdap, MMR, Varicelle, RZV, HPV, PCV15, HepA, HepB, MenACWY, MenB, & Hib
- Blood glucose and cholesterol checks with a medical group or laboratory
- Skin checks with a medical (dermatology) group
- Dental and oral health check with a dental group
Please visit and share our Facebook page.
If you have any questions, please email us.