Sermon Series: Light of the World
November 28, 2021 – December 24, 2021
Sunday Spirited Traditional Service (Live Stream & In Person) at 9:30 am
Sunday Contemporary Service (In Person) at 11:00 am
Our Advent sermon series, The Light of the World, is inspired by the book with the same title by Amy Jill Levine, (also available as a bible study). This series looks at the coming of Christ from the lens of different perspectives such as Joseph, Mary, shepherds, angels, Caesar Augustus, Herod, Elizabeth, and more. We will also look at the testimonies to the Light of the World in the Old Testament.
Starting on November 28th and concluding on December 24th, this series will also include dramatic expressions to the many perspectives and testimonies that looked toward the Light of Christ. Come and join us for worship on Sundays in-person at 9:30 am or 11:00 am or at our live-stream service at 9:30 am. Don’t miss our special Christmas Eve services at 2:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 7:30 pm, 9:00 pm, or 11:00 pm.