Home Events Youth Group Kick-Off

Youth Group Kick-Off

August 27 at 5:30 pm

Mark your calendars for August 27 at 5:30 for the Fall 2023 Youth Group Kick Off. Parents and Youth (grades 6-12) are invited to come out for dinner and games while we get pumped up about the Sunday night Youth Group starting back up this fall. The evening will answer all your questions like “how awesome will it be?” . . . the answer is of course “very awesome indeed”.


If you can’t make it to the kick off, be sure to pick up a calendar which will include all the youth group meetings coming this fall on Sunday nights. We will have things like giant game night, packing hygiene kits for UMCOR, and discussions relevant to youth today.

For all the latest information on the youth group sign up for the Youth Email Newsletter. We are super excited for a great start to Youth Group this fall!


Aug 27 2023


5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

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