
The Messenger 2023-08-01

The Messenger 2023-08-01

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-08-01
Our next quarterly issue of The Messenger newsletter, covering August, September, and October 2023, is ready to read! Click on the articles below to begin reading. ARTICLES & INVITATIONS Message from Pastor Mandy Sayers Are We There Yet? A Season of Change Be a Part of Glen Mar’s Music Ministry Glen Mar Youth 2023 Summer Youth Mission Trip Glen Mar…

Are We There Yet?

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-08-01
By Lisa Arbelaez, Chairperson for Stewardship Committee Glen Mar Funding Campaign Progress Report The Stewardship Committee would like to summarize the results to date for Glen Mar’s annual campaign to fund our operating budget and triennial campaign to fund mortgage payments for our facility. Our income projection includes all Estimates of Giving, ongoing EFT payments, and historical trends in un-pledged…

A Season of Change

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-08-01
By Pastor Melaina Trice While change is an inevitable part of life, change is very difficult. Intellectually, we understand the benefits of change but would much rather someone else do it first or instead of us. There is a comfort and safety to the familiar, usual, and/or the “business as usual” routine. In fact, our brains are made to be…

Glen Mar Youth

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-08-01
By Pastor Heerak Kim Glen Mar’s Youth Sunday morning programs start back up on Sunday, September 10 at 9:30 am in the Youth Wing: Fuse for 6th and 7th grade Confirmation Class for 8th grade Rooted for High School Register or update your info today! Confirmation Class All 8th grade youth and their parents are invited to a Confirmation Class Information meeting on…