
Annual Funding Campaign 2024

The Messenger
The Messenger 2024-05-01

By Lisa Arbelaez, Stewardship Chairperson

Glen Mar will hold its annual fundraising campaign in May to cover all the costs of our many ministries. Your gifts to Glen Mar’s Ministries and Missions Fund cover all our general operating expenses, to include program supplies, staff salaries, building maintenance, insurance, and everything else that enables us to offer so many opportunities to worship, serve the community, and grow in our discipleship. We get no funds from the Baltimore/Washington Conference for these expenses. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Each church pays into a fund to support the expenses of the Conference. Our goal for the Ministries and Missions Fund is $1.6 million. Current giving to this fund has been sufficient so far this year. It’s important to continue to give as you have been and consider whether you can step up a bit as our expenses increase over time.

In addition to our annual campaign, we are also revisiting our Capital Campaign. Although our Capital Campaign last year was for a three-year period, we received fewer estimates of giving than we expected. As a result, we have a goal of an additional $100,000 to cover the gap between current giving and what is needed for our mortgage payments over the next two years. This shortfall is partially due to several of our larger donors having retired and moved or gone to be with the Lord. While $100,000 may sound like a large sum, it is completely achievable if all of us consider a small increase in giving to the Capital Fund for the next two years. We’re asking those who don’t currently give to the Capital Fund submit an estimate of giving, and those who already pledged to the Capital Fund consider increasing your estimate of giving for the next two years. If all our member households give $5 to $10 more each week ($260-520 per year), the gap will be eliminated.

Each year, we ask for your estimates of giving. While these are not financial contracts, and can be changed if your circumstances change, they are very important planning tools for the church. Imagine trying to run your household budget if you had to guess how much money you would have available. Your estimates of giving allow Glen Mar to anticipate what we will be able to afford in the coming year and to plan for improvements to our programs and needed updates to our facilities.

Commitment Sunday will be June 9, and celebrated with a church picnic. When you receive your campaign materials, or click the Give button on our website, take some time to consider what Glen Mar brings to your life and the life of your community. Allow God to lead you to a level of giving that honors both your family responsibilities and your life as a disciple.

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