Prepare for New Fall Season Now!
Glen Mar provides Christian Learning and care for all ages of children and youth and we are looking forward to having children and youth back in the building! For the 9:30 service, we have Nursery (ages 0-3), Sprouts (ages 3-5), Pathfinders (Grades 1-5), Fuse (Grades 6-7), Confirmation (Grade 8) and Rooted (Grades 9-12). Nursery & Sprouts are also available for the 11:00 service.
Nursery – 5th Grade
Nursery (Infant – 3 Years) available year-round during both 9:30 and 11:00 am Worship
Sprouts (Pre-K to Kindergarten) meets year-round during both 9:30 and 11:00 am Worship
Pathfinders (Grades 1-5) meets from September 11 through the end of the school year in June
Registration is now open for children – babies through fifth grade.
Youth – 6th to 12th Grade
Fuse (Grades 6 & 7) meets at 9:30 am on Sundays in the Youth World.
Confirmation (Grade 8) meets at 9:30 am on Sundays in the Youth World. If you have not received a letter regarding confirmation and/or are new to Glen Mar, click Confirmation Class for information on how to enroll.
Rooted (Grades 9-12) meets at 9:30 am on Sundays in the Youth World. Registration for high school youth for the Fall season – coming soon.
Parents and Youth: Join us for a Youth Parents Connection meeting on September 11, 12:30 pm @Youth Lounge.
Stay Informed
Update or sign up for age related newsletters to stay informed of the latest information regarding children and youth Christian Learning at Glen Mar Church.
Children & Youth Music Ministries
Glen Mar encourages all children & youth with a love for music to participate in our music ministries. Opportunities are diverse and include choral singing, youth instrumental ensembles and orchestra, participation with adult music teams (like the Contemporary praise band) and more.