
Jewels for Hope Sparkles Again for HopeWorks

Mission Minute
hopeworks, jewelry, jewels for hope, scarves

The 5th Annual “Jewels for Hope” event was held at Glen Mar on Saturday, November 6, 2021, and it was a big success!  The annual event – which returned after hiatus during 2020 – was attended by over 220 people.  Sales of gently worn jewelry and scarves that had been donated by the community earned $16,800 for HopeWorks, Howard County’s sexual assault and domestic violence center.

HopeWorks is the sole comprehensive social service provider for survivors of sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and human trafficking in
Howard County.  Services include a 24hour helpline and hospital accompaniment for survivors of sexual and domestic violence; short and long-term counseling in individual and group formats for women and men, adults and children; emergency shelter and transitional housing; and legal advocacy and services pertaining to the civil and criminal justice systems.

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