On Saturday, November 12, 2022, Glen Mar Church will be hosting a mini-Health Fair from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The mini-Health Fair connects us to the community so that we can show love to our neighbors. It will meet some of the physical and emotional needs in our community. It will also make our community a more resilient and healthier place of all of us . Everyone is welcome and it is free to the public. Pre-registration strongly recommended. Walk-ins will be accepted as open time slots allow.
The scheduled health-related services are:
- COVID boosters
- COVID Pfizer (5 to 11 years)
- COVID Bivalent Pfizer (12 and up)
Annual Flu shots
Health screening (blood pressure & BMI checks) (for 18-years-old & up) with Howard County General Hospital
- Vision screening (for 6-years-old and older)
Hearing screening (for 6-years-old and older)
- Health risk assessment
Additional Info:
- If you would like to sponsor a service or partner with us, or have any questions, please email us.
Please visit and share our FACEBOOK page event. THANK YOU!!