By Tom Barnes
2023 is HISTORY! And that history includes the revival of Youth Group on Sunday nights at Glen Mar from 5:30 to 7:00 pm.![](
Glen Mar’s Youth Group started the school year with some new leaders and a lot of excitement. Fall programs included a mix of fun activities, topical discussions, and service projects, as well as the return of the Middle School Retreat. Parents provide dinner each week for an extra time for fellowship. Thirty to 40 middle and high school youth have been coming each week!
We kicked off 2024 with a scramble to unscramble clues to locate Jesus all around Glen Mar with a fast-paced scavenger hunt leaving the youth breathless as they raced around the church to find mini-Jesus figures. In addition to dinner with friends and fun games, we explored ways that prayer is an important part of daily life and learned that being a part of the body of Christ is a lot like being part of a team or playing an instrument in a band. We also served our community by participating in a mini-night of service similar to the big Day of Service on MLK Jr Day. February kicks off with a student-suggested Pokemon night where we’ll learn about how God wants us to “catch ’em all” in bringing people to Christ.
The rest of the semester’s calendar is full of more faith, fun, fellowship and worship including a Super Bowl party, bowling, helping with the Cold Weather Shelter and learning more about spiritual disciplines in Lent and a unique experience of the Last Supper as Easter approaches. There is always room for more, so if you know youth in 6th through 12th grade, bring them out to the church on Sunday nights from 5:30 to 7:00 and keep an eye out for more information coming soon about our spring High School retreat to Bethany Beach.
Youth Sunday Morning Programs
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am in the Youth Wing
Fuse: 6th and 7th grade youth meet to explore how faith and life come together. Programs include games and activities and interactive Bible lessons. |
Confirmation Class is a year-long journey into faith and discipleship for 8th grade (and older) youth to prepare to confirm baptismal vows and join the church. |
Rooted: High School youth gather to connect with God and with each other as they dig into deeper faith questions. |
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