
A Season of Change

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-08-01

By Pastor Melaina Trice

While change is an inevitable part of life, change is very difficult. Intellectually, we understand the benefits of change but would much rather someone else do it first or instead of us. There is a comfort and safety to the familiar, usual, and/or the “business as usual” routine. In fact, our brains are made to be somewhat suspicious of change. It identifies unusual patterns, changes, and differences in an effort to keep us safe; to help us thrive. But the truth is change is a necessary part of our growth and maturation; change is necessary for holistic thriving.

When I look in the mirror, I see the many changes that have happened over time. I am taller than I was a child (up to 8th grade), my hair has grayed, I am certainly heavier and wider, have less energy and more lines on my face. This seems like negative change, but instead they are outward signs of inward change and growth and a life being lived – full of love and laughter, great desserts, many roles and responsibilities, and acts of service. The changes I see physically are testimonies of growth and maturation over time.

Along with changes to my physical self, my thinking and philosophies of life have changed. My perception of the world, theology, and my relationship with creation has changed. The more I have learned and interacted with God and creation, the more I have changed and been enriched. I have grown to love and be loved. It is evidence of the movement of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit continues to change me (despite my times of resistance). So too is the Holy Spirit changing us all – perfecting us again and again to beings that reflect the fullness of God’s love. We become disciples of Jesus Christ not to stay the same but to change, be changed, and transformed again and again from the inside out. Therefore, discipleship and change are synonymous. Each day we move closer towards being more and more like Jesus through our time, talent, witness, praise, service, and giving.

The theme of August Family Worship is “Re-Shaped: What We Were Made For” and it’s all about change. August 6 – August 27 we will explore how playdough is like discipleship. Each week we will use the image of playdough to remind us that God is the potter and we are the clay, the Holy Spirit is changing us from the inside out, like a grain of wheat we are sprouting new life, and Jesus is with us even amid the uncertainty of change. This year, we are excited that two youth, Matthew Johnson and Jack Musselwhite, will share messages during August Family Worship. You will not want to miss hearing their witness and message!

The Fall Kickoff this year will be on Sunday, September 10 during both the 9:30 am and 11:00 am service, followed by a picnic, moonbounce, fun games, and ministry fair. It will be a wonderful way to re-connect after summer fun and vacations.

Disciple Sunday will be led by both Disciple 1 & 3 classes during both the 9:30 and 11:00 am services on September 17.  We will hear testimonies of how Disciple class members have been transformed and changed through their experiences in their classes, relationships developed in the class, and faith journey.

The fall sermon series will be based upon Adam Hamilton’s book, Forgiveness, and we will explore the importance of forgiveness as disciples of Christ. Forgiveness will help us discover the freedom and peace found through grace. This freedom and peace can be found as we extend and/or receive grace as the forgiver and/or the forgiven. This sermon series will be held September 24 through October 15.  Small groups will also study the Adam Hamilton book.

Let’s get ready for a season of change and re-shaping (again and again!) as disciples of Jesus Christ through the working of the Holy Spirit.  See you in worship!

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