Collecting Donations until August 11, 2024
It’s that time of year again!
In partnership with Ames United Methodist Church in Baltimore, Glen Mar will be collecting food items as well as backpacks and school supplies for distribution to the Ames community on August 17.
Food Items needed include the following canned/dry goods:
- Canned Chicken, Salmon, or Tuna
- Beef Stew
- Rice, Mashed Potatoes
- Baked Beans
- Canned Vegetables and Fruit
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Spaghetti and Sauce
- Ravioli
- Applesauce
School Supplies:
- Backpacks – Critical Need for larger backpacks
- Spiral Notebooks with Dividers
- Composition Books
- Folders with Pockets
- Index Cards
- Blue/Black Pens