
Faith Over Fear

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
I’m grateful for those that joined us for prayer (either on Zoom or on your own) on Tuesday to pray for our nation and for peace. Like many of you, I have watched in shock and horror as our capital was overrun by rioters who broke windows, chased police officers, and vandalized spaces. I have never…


The Fulcrum

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
‘Give me a place to stand, and I will move the whole earth with a lever.’ -Archimedes Archimedes (c. 287-c. 212 BCE), a Greek philosopher and mathematician, noticed that if a lever was balanced in the correct place, on the correct fulcrum, it could move proportionally much greater weights than the force actually applied. He calculated…


Merry Christmas…and a Word about Worship

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
Merry Christmas! As you may know, Christmas is not just one day, it’s a whole season (hence the song “12 Days of Christmas) that starts on Christmas Day and runs through Epiphany on Jan. 6. My prayer for you is that this Christmastide can be full of meaning and peace and health and joy. I’m so grateful for the celebrations of Christmas Eve, and for the ways that Christmas was NOT canceled this year!


Peaceable Kingdom

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
For this pondering, I offer to you a devotion that I wrote a long time ago…it came to mind as I was reading Isaiah 65:17-25 this morning as part of my prayer time.
My first Bible I ever received or read was a children’s Bible, third grade, 1978, given to me by my first pastor. On the back cover was a piece of an art project I had done in Sunday School that had become permanently affixed there.


Christmas is Coming!

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
I’m grateful for Journey to Bethlehem and all the ways our church has pulled together to adapt it so that people could see it. Overheard: A child raising his arms triumphantly as his car left, saying, “Jesus was a BABY!!” and many, many thank yous. So….thank you to Margaret and her very large team of helpers—let’s get ready to enjoy Weekend #2!