
How to Say I Love You

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
My family of origin was not a fan of the phrase, “I love you.” It just wasn’t something we said out loud to each other. I asked my mom why we never said, “I love you” growing up. She was shocked. She said, “Have you ever for one second doubted my love for you? All these…


Has Anybody Seen My Keys?

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; for I know that you are looking for Jesus who has been crucified. He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come, see the place where He was lying.” Matthew 28:5-6
In full transparency, I’m one of those people. You know the type. I often misplace my keys, cell phone, the important paper I was just reading, you name it. It’s frustrating.


Good Friday

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
It’s Good Friday today, the day we remember our Lord’s crucifixion—when Jesus was unjustly arrested, tried, convicted, and condemned by religious and secular authorities for being a threat to the powers-that-be. On this saddest day, a time when our Alleluias are buried, it may seem that the world is still full of shadows and crucifixions. As…


Holy Week is Here!

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
You can pick up your Palms for Palm Sunday on Saturday 3/27 anytime from 10-1 pm at the church…stop on by and look for a smiling (masked) pastor! If you miss that “window” we’ll have a container of palms for pickup as part of our outdoor self-guided prayer walk, which will be “open” anytime during the…


Getting the Word Out for Holy Week

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar,
I know you join me in prayer for our nation, and for our Asian American family in the wake of the shootings in Atlanta. I offer this prayer, written by Bishop Ken Carter, UM Bishop of Florida: O God, our strength and our redeemer, we stand with our Asian-American sisters and brothers today. In the words…