
All Saint’s Day

A Thank You Note

Pastor's Ponderings
advent, All Saint's Day, Jeff Wetstone, jewels for hope, journey to bethlehem, Operation Christmas Child, study, worship

Dear Glen Mar friends,
It’s November, a time of thanksgiving for God’s blessings and for the lives of our saints. I hope you will join us on Sunday for worship as we honor the people who have been saints for us and continue our series “Did the Bible Really Say That ?” with the phrase “God Won’t Give You More Than You Can Handle.” (You won’t want to miss it!).


Trick or Treat

Pastor's Ponderings
All Saint's Day, Halloween, journey to bethlehem

Dear Glen Mar friends,
Halloween is coming! You may not think of it as a particularly religious holiday and if it’s not your thing, I respect that. But I learned in seminary about where Halloween came from. I was reminded that the period between Halloween and the winter solstice in late December coincided then, as it does today, with the darkest time of the year, with shorter days and longer nights. (At least in our hemisphere). In the medieval period, dark was pretty dark, apparently, and it was a dangerous time. In our “Edison-ized” society, where light is taken for granted, we tend to forget that. But long cold nights meant for dangerous travel back then. People were eating the food they had stored since the crops were all harvested and the land was covered with ice. It was a risky and vulnerable time of year.
At this darkest time, the Church gathered its “little lights” together, its saints, for help through this “long dark night of the soul.” November 1 became All Saint’s Day, a time to honor those gone on to glory and to remind us that Jesus has won the victory over all the darkness that can surround us.


This Just In: October 29

Opportunities to Serve, This Just In, Worship
advent, All Saint's Day, jewels for hope, journey to bethlehem, legacy gift, Operation Christmas Child, pumpkins, study

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar:
– Used Real Pumpkin Collection
– Jewels for Hope – Saturday, Nov 6 from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm
– High School Random Acts of Kindness
– Operation Christmas Child
– Understanding The True Meaning of Christmas
– What is a Legacy Gift?


Remembering Saints

Pastor's Ponderings
All Saint's Day, remembrance, saints, worship

Dear Friends,
As I was driving into Glen Mar this morning, I could hear, “Oh when the saints, go marching in, oh when the saints go marching in, oh how I want to be in that number, oh when the saints go marching in—go marching in” singing loudly in my head.  I remembered as a child really punching in that last line, “go marching in.”  At that point in my life, I did not really understand All Saints’ Day, but I knew my goal was to be a saint because I wanted to be “in that number.”  It is still my goal: to be a part of the great crowd of witnesses.  I think we all share that goal: to hear “well done my good and faithful servant.”