
Lunch Bunch

The Messenger
The Messenger 2022-05-01
Lunch Bunch is a group of “seasoned citizens” who meet on the third Tuesday of each month from September through June  for fellowship, fun, and of course , lunch. Our menus vary. Sometimes everyone  just brings a sandwich. Occasionally we do “pot luck” and a few times a year there are special lunches. We usually have a grilled chicken luncheon…

Young Adult Winter Retreat

The Messenger
The Messenger 2022-05-01
By Sean Danaher Some of Glen Mar’s young adults from the Post College Small Group were joined by friends to enjoy a weekend retreat in Deep Creek Lake over the weekend of February 25-27. Our group rented an incredibly well-equipped Vacation Rental by Owner (VRBO) house for the retreat, which was the perfect place to explore the theme of “Sabbath.”…

Ministry Corner – Event Planning and Publicity

Ministry Corner
event planning, facilities scheduling, publicity
Planning An Event open to the Congregation/Community @ Glen Mar? Here’s what you do: Request Facilities Scheduling, (includes Glen Mar building & grounds, banners, electronic sign). To inquire status of request, email the FacilitiesRequest team. After your event is approved and you receive a confirmation email, Request Publicity. Request Publicity In today’s pioneer Ministry Corner Blog we will focus on…