

This Just In: December 17

Connect, Kids News & Events, Opportunities to Serve, This Just In, Youth News & Events
ames memorial, baptism, christmas story, coats, collection, family christmas eve, healing, Hope, my sister's place, poinsettias, stories, winter gear

There’s always something going on at Glen Mar!
– Ames Coat Drive – Donation Deadline Dec. 20
– Financial Peace University: 7:00 pm, Jan. 13 – Mar. 10
– Journey Through Grief Group – Jan. 15, 2022
– My Sister’s Place Winter Gear Collection – Donation Deadline Jan. 31, 2022
– Day of Service (MLK, Jr. Day) Jan. 17, 2022
– Our Next Turn at Rt. 1 DRC – Jan. 22, 2022


Journey Through Grief, 2021

grief support, Journey Through Grief
Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:00 am, Jan. 15 – Feb. 19 Are you in a season of grief from the loss of a loved one? You are not alone. Join our 6-week small group experience starting Saturday, Jan. 15, 9:30-11:00 am at Glen Mar. This small group creates space for sharing and support, and provides tools to help us navigate this…

Financial Peace University Available at Glen Mar

debt, Financial Peace, FPU

Financial Peace University: 7:00 pm, January 13 – March 10
Planning for the future is hard when you’re still paying for the past. Listen – there’s a better way! Join Glen Mar’s David Costello for Dave Ramsey’s 9-week Financial Peace University class. Learn how to beat debt and make a plan for the future!Interested? Join the class at Glen Mar Church starting Thursday, January 13, 2022.


We Need Each Other

Connect, The Messenger
Growth Groups, small groups, The Messenger 2021-11-01

By Pastor Heerak Kim
Time to time, the difficulty of ministry has affected my emotional and mental wellness. I was anxious due to a conflict in my previous appointment, so I called one of my small group friends and talked it out. His listening ears and empathetic presence calmed me down. My small group continued to check in with me and make sure I was okay. When I encounter difficulties in life, I still seek help from my small group. I talk things out and alleviate my anxiety. My small group is there to listen, pray with me, and hold me up. The attitude of seeking help itself makes a huge difference when I am confined in my negative thoughts and feelings. My small group makes it possible because there is trust and love. We meet as often as we can. We become like a family. We share joyful moments of our lives as well as struggles. We help and encourage each other in any way possible.