
Ministry Corner – Event Planning and Publicity

Ministry Corner
event planning, facilities scheduling, publicity

Planning An Event open to the Congregation/Community @ Glen Mar?

Here’s what you do:

  1. Request Facilities Scheduling, (includes Glen Mar building & grounds, banners, electronic sign).
  2. To inquire status of request, email the FacilitiesRequest team.
  3. After your event is approved and you receive a confirmation email, Request Publicity.

Request Publicity

In today’s pioneer Ministry Corner Blog we will focus on internal Glen Mar publicity: Bulletin Announcements, Pre-Service/TV Slides, Ministry Spotlight, Website Blogs/Events. If you require more, (external ads, radio, etc.) please review the Publicity Guides or email the Communications Team.

Bulletin Announcements

Announcements are not only featured on the inside of our Worship Bulletins which are handed out to congregants as they walk in to the Spirit Center on Sunday. Announcements are also featured on our web blog, This Just In and may be sent out in our Children, Middle School, and High School newsletters.

To request an Announcement:

  1. Write a brief, concise announcement 75 words or less. (If you cannot keep your announcement to 75 words or less, consider requesting a Website Blog for reference.)
  2. See Pre-Service/TV Slides below if you wish to include a Pre-Service slide with your announcement.
  3. Email to an***********@gl********.org by 12:00 pm Wednesday prior to desired Sunday Worship date.
  4. If you don’t receive confirmation for your request, email the Announcements Team.
Pre-Service/TV Slides

Pre-Service/TV Slides are a great way to get visual attention. Slides are displayed on monitors in the Spirit Center and throughout the Glen Mar building before Worship as well as throughout the week, and on the Live Stream Video on Sunday Mornings. Slides typically accompany either a Bulletin Announcement (Pre-Service) or a Ministry Spotlight (After Sermon).

Guidelines for creating Slides:

  1. Size of TV Slide graphic – 1920 x 1080 px (16:9 ratio)
  2. Wording should be concise and large enough to be legible (48pt or larger) from a distance.
  3. We suggest using Canva to create slides – we use it!
  4. Send your slide with your announcement or ministry spotlight request.
  5. If you need help with a slide, request needs to be made 10 days prior to desired use date.
Ministry Spotlight

After the sermon, the pastor gives the Ministry Spotlight – a verbal blurb with an accompanying TV Slide or a Video and an invitation to visit a table in the Gathering Place following worship.

To request a Ministry Spotlight:

  1. Include the following information in your email:
    • Title your email with Name of Event & desired spotlight dates
    • Write a two-sentence write-up for the verbal announcement
    • Number of tables/chairs needed
    • TV Slide (see directions for Pre-Service/TV Slide above for standards or if you need one created)
  2. If you have a video, do not send it via email, let us know in your email and we will send you instructions on how to upload video.
  3. Email sp*******@gl********.org by 9:00 am Wednesday prior to desired Sunday Worship date (subject to space constraint, so get your request in as soon as possible!)
  4. If you do not receive confirmation for your request, email the Spotlight Team.
Website Blogs/Events

Glen Mar website blogs and events provide detailed information, links, signups, and graphics for an event or happening. When there’s not enough space for all your information in a bulletin announcement, you can refer readers with a link to web blog or event pages.

To request your event be shared on the Glen Mar website:

  1. Click on My Glen Mar (bottom of Glen Mar web page) then click on Documents & Policies.
  2. Use one of the Publicity Request forms to provide information about Events, Collections/Donations, Volunteer Opportunities, write an After-Event blog, or request changes to existing pages.
    • If your event includes collections, donations, and volunteers, use the Event form and include your needs in your write-up.
    • If you want your event in the next Messenger newsletter, make sure to note that on the form. Ask for help if needed.
  3. Request should be made 10 days prior to the day you intend to use the link in a Bulletin Announcement, Ministry Spotlight, or Messenger deadline (10 days prior to Publish Date).
  4. If you don’t receive confirmation for your request, email the Web Team.
The Messenger Newsletter

With Glen Mar’s new website, The Messenger newsletter has become an email newsletter. This email newsletter gives snippets of and links to blogs/articles. On the website, these blogs can be found by The Messenger Blog Category. If you go to the website and navigate to “Happenings>Blog” you can see “Categories” including “The Messenger”. A printed version of the newsletter will be available each quarter in the Gathering Place. We no longer offer a PDF of the printed version on the website.

As events are planned and Blogs/Events are added to the website, the forms used to request them have a check box to include them in the next Messenger.

At this point, we are still accepting articles via emails, not the forms. To submit an article, see the The Messenger Newsletter Deadline blog.

Publish Dates: The Messenger newsletter is distributed to our subscribers in a formatted email and is available in printed form on the following dates each year: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.


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