Thank you so much for sharing your life with me for last two and a half years. I’ve witnessed amazing people in Glen Mar. You’ve stepped up when you see the needs. You’ve not ceased to make the community and the world a better place. You’ve enabled me to discern and take courage to open a new chapter in my journey. I’m really grateful for that.
My last day at Glen Mar is December 31st, but I will use my remaining vacation time from the 18th, so December 17th is my actual last day. If you want to see me, I’m available in the building as outlined below. If you want to see me outside those hours, please contact me through text, call or email. My cell is 202.304.9328.
- 12/10 Sun. 8:30 am – 12:30pm in the building
1 pm – 4 pm contact me to meet
4 pm – 7:30 pm in the building - 12/12 Tue. 9 am – 5 pm in the building
- 12/13 Wed. 9 am – 5 pm in the building
- 12/14 Thu. 9 am – 3 pm in the building
- 12/17 Sun. 8:30 am – 12:30 pm in the building
1 pm – 3 pm contact me to meet
4 pm – 8 pm in the building