
Pastor’s Ponderings – Please Pray With Me

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar friends,

This Sunday is a Sunday we’re calling “Prayer Sunday” as will we will begin praying together for one another, for our church and for our stewardship campaign and all the people God is calling us to reach and to bless through Glen Mar, especially in the next 3 years, in this crucial season of Glen Mar’s life together. Great things happen when God’s people pray!

Prayer changes things, and the first thing prayer changes is the person who is praying!

Each day starting on Sunday, we at Glen Mar are committing to praying for our church and our community and the people we are called to love, reach, invite, welcome and bless. One way we want to do this is through praying a common prayer, together, every day at noon. (If you can’t do noon, some other time during the day). If you are reading this, we need you! Please pray with us!

Generous God, who strengthens us by the power of the Holy Spirit to run the race set before us in faith, help us to keep our eyes fixed on you so that we might not slow down, stumble or grow weary in following where you lead. 

Help us Lord to step out in faith to serve, bless and love our neighbors through our financial giving, working together as one body in Christ. All that we have and all that we are is a gift from you.

Give us courage to take the baton you offer to us, so that we might spread the good news of your love and grace to others, and put our faith into action.

Help us to give as generously as you have given to us.

Thank you for your faithfulness and abundant love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I’m really excited about our upcoming stewardship campaign, Mission Possible: Reaching the Goal, and for all the ways Glen Mar is coming together to make it happen! If you would like to know more about where we are financially, and some goals we hope to accomplish with God’s help in the next 3 years, I hope you’ll join us for a Special Lunch with the Pastors: Mission Possible, on Sunday May 7 at 12:30 pm in Room 145. RSVP here so we can order food! We will have other opportunities to meet together about this, but we wanted to give people many opportunities to hear about this and to share your hopes and dreams for our church too.

I’ll be preaching on Sunday from 1 Peter, and what it means for a Christian to heed the direction – to “fear not.” Join us! You’ll be so glad you did!

See you in Church on Sunday!

Pastor Mandy Sayers

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