
Pastor’s Ponderings – Snow Day

Pastor's Ponderings

Dear Glen Mar friends,

It’s snowing as I write this! I’m so grateful for our facilities folks and especially Brian Tucker, our Facilities Manager, and Bob Henry, our Financial Secretary, for working so hard to keep the church running and safe!

This Sunday, we will have the ELC lot and the “main” lot plowed. The lower lot will not be plowed. (This is to save a significant amount of money, and also, the lower lot sidewalks can be a challenge to clear in low temps). So if you do not have mobility challenges, please park in the ELC lot. If you need to, for any reason, you may park in the “main” lot.

Church will be ready for you, in person and online. We’ll be baptizing Baby Grayson at 11:00 am. I’ll be preaching on how Jesus heals and mends…how Jesus bridges the gaps between us and God, in a sermon called “The Mending Lacquer”—in keeping with our sermon series theme of mending broken things. I have in my heart the hymn: “What Can Wash Away My Sin…What Can Make Me Whole Again….Nothing but the Blood of Jesus!”

Also, a great big THANK YOU to all who made our MLK Day of service possible last weekend! Hundreds came, snow notwithstanding, to build beds, make hats, blankets, pillowcases, cookies, hygiene kits, and over 70,000 freeze dried meals, to help our neighbors and share the love of Jesus (and honor the witness of Dr. King!) I’m so proud to be your lead pastor!

See you in Church,

Pastor Mandy

PS We have some upcoming memorial services I want to make sure you know about at Glen Mar: Jan. 27 Libby Boswell, Feb. 3 Victoria Wilkinson, Feb. 10 Shirley Burbank (all at 11 am). Please come share your love and condolences with the families.

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