Dear Glen Mar friends,
We are watching the weather for tomorrow, but hopeful we can have worship as scheduled. If that changes, we will post on our church website. Please join us via livestream at 9:30 am (or later…you can watch it anytime) if you cannot be with us in person. Also, a reminder we are continuing our 8:30 am communion experience in the chapel if that would be a blessing to you. I am enjoying this time of prayer and Holy Communion before the 9:30 am service very much. We are currently planning on having the MLK Jr Day of Service as scheduled. Any changes to worship or the Day of Service will be posted on the Glen Mar website. You are encouraged to do what’s best for you and your safety.
Last Sunday, SPRC shared with the congregation that Eric and I are hoping and planning to move to North Carolina this summer so that we can be closer to both sets of aging parents who need us to be closer in this season of life. We plan to move to NC mid-June, and I would start at an NC church starting July 1. I don’t yet have an assignment down there, but I did not want to wait to share this with the Cabinet, the SPRC, and the church, so that plans could be made for a smooth transition to the next Lead Pastor. Pastor Gayle, I’m glad to say, will be staying, as our Pastor for Congregational Care.
The Central Maryland District, of which Glen Mar is a part, got a new District Superintendent on January 6: Rev. Jim Miller. Jim and I have been friends and colleagues for 15 years. Jim will be working as the Episcopal Representative in the appointment process. He’ll be working with our SPRC in discerning the best person to follow me at Glen Mar. Jim was planning on coming to worship tomorrow to see Glen Mar firsthand, but we will reschedule that for a better weather weekend.
Glen Mar, I love being your lead pastor, and you have made me into a much better pastor and follower of Jesus these 7 years together! I have learned from you about following God’s call, about the church being all of us together (and not any one pastor). I’ve learned from you that God provides, and so I know God will provide for Glen Mar and for our family too. We have plenty of time to talk about this, to give thanks for our ministry together, and to ensure a smooth transition.
Also, your prayers are requested for Mary Haggard on the passing of her mother Carol. Carol’s service will be in Delaware in early February. Please pray also for the Plants family on recent passing of Nancy. We’ll have a memorial service for both Harold and Nancy Plants at Glen Mar on January 27 at 11:00 am.
See you “in church” if it’s safe for you to be there—and I’ll see all y’all online!