There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.
Be a Volunteer for Vacation Bible School
It is volunteer signup time! New this year, we have a Sign up Genius for you to choose your VBS job! [Read More]
Sunday Mornings for Kids
Our weekly newsletter, The Family Vine and registration helps us to communicate with you and keep you up to date in what’s going on for our morning time for children and family at Glen Mar Church. Please register and sign up today! [Read More]
Be an ACOLYTE at Glen Mar
Glen Mar acolytes are 3rd, 4th or 5th grade students who light and put out the candles during the 9:30 worship service. We took an acolyte break during the pandemic, but have started this important responsibility once again at Glen Mar. Email Margaret Lang.
Stay Up to Date with Youth Ministry
See what we have going on for Glen Mar’s Youth. Stay connected by signing up for our email newsletters.
Day of Service Team Needs YOU!
Are you looking for ways to use your spiritual gifts! We need 3 activity facilitators for next year’s Day of Service. Please consider helping us and email the Day of Service Team. [Read More]
30 Hour Famine
Support the Confirmation Class as they raise money to fight world hunger by fasting for 30 hours this weekend. Donate to the Glen Mar Team today! [Read More]
Ash Wednesday, March 2
Join us for worship service at Glen Mar Church 7:30 pm or drive by for “Ashes To Go” at Glen Mar front entrance round about from 12pm – 2pm. [Read More]
Lent 5-Week Bible Study, Begins Tuesdays, March 8
Join us for this year’s Lenten study, “I Give Up!” by Rev. Kara Scroggins. Come learn how to give up fear, chasing approval, exhausting ourselves and what’s killing us. Read More!
Lent Small Group for 5th – 7th Graders: Wednesdays at 7 PM, March 9 – 30
Join Mr. Bryan Robb to learn about the “Greatest Chapter in the Bible” (aka Romans 8). Space is limited, so contact Jen Rowell or Margaret Lang today if you’re interested.
Summer Mission Trips: Hurley, June 26 – July 2; Local Mission Week July 25-29
Build relationships while repairing homes in Hurley, VA (8th grade & older) or serve for a half day, several days, or all week in the local area (6th grade and older). [Read More]