
Baptism at Glen Mar

Connect, Kids News & Events
baptism, baptism class, baptism forms

Baptisms occur on the third Sundays at Glen Mar Church. Parents who wish to have their child baptized as well as adults who wish to be baptized will need to meet with a pastor to guide you through the process and schedule your baptism date.

Fill out and submit the Baptism Form below that applies to the person being baptized. Please specify the Worship Service time (9:30 am or 11:00 am) preferred. We will call/email you to schedule a “Baptism Class” meeting (in person or ZOOM) with a pastor to go over all the details. For more information, please email our Pastors Assistant.

Baptism for Adults and Older Children

Baptism is the way someone “joins” the Christian faith, so if you want or need to be baptized, that will be part of your joining our church. If you are already baptized, you do not need to be baptized again when you join our church, you may choose to verbally reaffirm your faith. If you belong to another church, we can transfer your membership to Glen Mar. If you wish to join, please email our Pastoral Team or talk to one of our pastors in person.

Baptism is an important ritual in the Christian faith, symbolic of being reborn in Christ. Anyone who has not been baptized is encouraged to take this important step, regardless of age.

Baptism for Children

Many parents choose to have their children baptized as babies or young children – symbolic of their dedication to raise their children to walk with Jesus until they are old enough to confirm their faith.

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