
Confirmation Class 2024

The Messenger
The Messenger 2024-02-01
The Confirmation Class has been learning about Christian beliefs and discipleship. Much of the class’s learning is through doing – things like memorizing scripture, praying together, and supporting one another, and serving the world. In the fall the class helped harvest food for the hungry at First Fruits Farm. During December students raised money for The Heifer Project – enough…

Kids Ministry 2024

The Messenger
The Messenger 2024-02-01
Hello Glen Mar Families! Reflection is the act of thought or consideration, and people often will do that at the end of year as a way of contemplating changes or to celebrate what went well. As I reflect on 2023, I saw so many ways that God is at work in Children’s Ministry here at Glen Mar! A few highlights…

Glen Mar Needs You!

The Messenger
The Messenger 2024-02-01
By Lisa Arbelaez, Stewardship Chair Glen Mar needs you. Those of us who are old enough to remember seeing the well-known poster during WWII – “Uncle Sam Needs You” also remember what that poster was about. To support the nation during a time of war, the government was calling upon its citizens to do their part. That might mean planting…

Service Abounded on Day of Service

The Messenger
The Messenger 2024-02-01
By Bruce Leuthold On Monday, January 15, 2024, Glen Mar Church in partnership with Ames Memorial and St. John’s Baptist Church celebrated the 10th Annual MLK Jr. Day of Service. Stats from the day: 549 people attended; packaged 72,000 meals for Central America residents with inspiring music; 115 pillowcases sewn; 340 encouragement cards written; 85 “no-sew” blankets made; over 100…