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Pastor’s Ponderings – Hail and Farewell
This week’s Greatest Hit is Marvin Gaye’s song, “What’s Goin’ On,” an important social activism anthem from the Vietnam War era. We’ll be pairing it with the story of David and Goliath, a “Greatest Hit” from the Bible. In a world filled with Goliaths, how can the church respond to “What’s Goin’ On” in a way that brings down the Goliath, but on our own terms as the Body of Christ?
This Just In: July 8, 2022
There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.
– Stephen Ministry Info
– Our Next Turn @ Rt. 1 DRC: July 23 from 11:45 am to 2 pm
– Farewell Celebration for Margaret Lang and Sean Danaher – July 31
. . . and much more!
This Just In: July 1, 2022
There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.
– Our Next Turn @ Rt. 1 DRC: July 23 from 11:45 am to 2 pm
– Summer Singing Opportunities
– Summer Sermon Series – Greatest Hits
. . . and more!
Pastor’s Ponderings – Anywhere But There
Dear Glen Mar friends,
The last day of high school, each year, the teachers would play “See you in September” on the intercom after the last bell rang for the year. My soundtrack for the summer was always a combination of “current” songs from whatever year it was . . .