
Pastor’s Ponderings

Pastor’s Ponderings – Room to Grow

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, Jesus calls us to grow disciples and to grow AS disciples throughout our lives, and to bear fruit in the world—fruit like love, joy, peace, patience, and kindness. Fruit like food for the hungry, hope for the hopeless, comfort for people in trouble, and good news for the poor. Our new worship series, starting tomorrow, will…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Triangles

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, I’m enrolled in a free leadership online course offered through the Baltimore Washington Conference called “Non-Anxious Leadership.” (Your Mission Share dollars at work!) This week, we studied “emotional triangles” and I thought it was so helpful for me, that it might be helpful for you too! This happens when 2 people (A) and (B) have a…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Be Opened

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar Friends, Last week, I spent 3 days at a work-related clergy retreat and 2 days with Lydia at her college, so that we could see her act in a play. I’m so glad to be “back in the saddle” this Sunday, when we will worship together. So far, we have learned how Easter people are “freed” and…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Friends, The celebration of the empty tomb is not only on Easter, not only for a season, but we are Easter people every day. We are people that have the eschatological hope of resurrection that is now and is to come. There are areas of our lives, especially those difficult places of our lives, that are being resurrected. We…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Easter People

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, I’m so very grateful to God for all who helped make our Holy Week so special here at Glen Mar Church! From the palm branches on Palm Sunday through to the Alleluias of Easter morning, it was all such a blessing to so many people. Because of you, folks experienced the Risen Christ! I’m so proud…