
Check It Out!

Connect, Kids News & Events, Youth News & Events
Check It Out, Community Life, Contemporary Worship Band, fall kickoff, kids, youth

We’re starting a new program during the 11:00 worship service for elementary kids. Led by teens (with a few adults) “Check it Out” will cover a variety of topics and many Bible stories through interactive, super-fun, faith-driven, and friendship-building activities.

Kids will attend the first 20 minutes or so of the 11:00 service with their families for the opening praise set, then head down to Room 145 for the rest of the hour.

We’d love to have interested middle and high school youth join us to help lead the program.

Leadership roles will include no-prep-needed options like reading parts, leading small groups, and tech support (with some advance training), as well as opportunities to prepare skits and other fun activities and even be the main up-front leader. Check It Out will meet weekly starting Sept 12 but will not meet on the first Sunday of each month to give kids a chance to be part of the full worship service and take communion with their families.


Contact Margaret, Jen, or Sean.

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