Planning an Event open to the Community @ Glen Mar?
You have come to the right place! If you come away from this blog with anything, it should be this: the My Glen Mar page.
My Glen Mar page
What is it? The My Glen Mar page includes information and links to some of the most requested documents, forms and “how tos” that our community might need to participate in a ministry or plan and publicize an event. If you’re looking for a form, it’s probably there!
How do you find it? The link to the My Glen Mar page is at the bottom of any Glen Mar Website page, including this one, under “Quick Links”. (It is there because the top menu is visitor-focused.) You can also just type the URL (You might want to bookmark it on your browser.)
Why is it important for this blog? Event planning and publicity tools are on the My Glen Mar page. Event planning usually requires facilities to be reserved, publicity on our website, social media, e-newsletters, and in our Worship bulletin.
Requesting Facilities
Before any publicity should happen regarding an event being held at Glen Mar Church, facility space must be reserved and approved.
Instructions on how to reserve space at Glen Mar Church are found on the My Glen Mar page under “FACILITIES SCHEDULING”. From this segment of the page, you can view information relevant to the building and events already occurring AND you can access the Facilities Use Request form. Click here for more detailed instructions on Facilities Scheduling.
Request Publicity
Internal Glen Mar publicity includes Worship Bulletin Announcements, Pre-Service/TV Slides, Ministry Spotlight, Website Blogs/Events and social media, e-newsletters, and Realm Connect. We will start with Website Publicity, because you can request everything you need from one of the Website Publicity Request forms.
External publicity includes public/private media ads, etc. For information on these forms of publicity, please review the Publicity Guide (also found on the My Glen Mar page under DOCUMENTS & POLICIES/Resources for Ministries) or email the Communications Team.
We also have an “At-A-Glance” guide for internal to Glen Mar church avenues – Website, Worship Bulletin, newsletters, etc. – for publicity. View At-A-Glance Guide.
Website Publicity
The Glen Mar website can display detailed information, links, signups, and graphics for an event. Events can also be posted on Social Media and referred to for detailed and signup information in the Worship Bulletin and Pre-Service slides. Depending on the scope of an event, it may be posted as any combination of Blog and/or Event. (Take a look at each to see the difference between the two.) Both Journey to Bethlehem and Jewels for Hope are events that have both blogs and events.
To request website publicity for your event, fill out the Website Event Request form which is designed to be a one stop shop so you only need to submit one request to cover everything for internal Glen Mar publicity.
- Request should be made 10 days prior to the day you intend to use the link in a Bulletin Announcement, Ministry Spotlight, or any other media.
- You may or may neither know the dates you want for an announcement or spotlight, nor the details that you would prefer to have yet. These can be submitted later. (See directions for sending Announcments & Spotlights that follow.)
- If you don’t receive confirmation for your request within two business days, email we*******@gl********.org.
The Messenger Newsletter
The Messenger newsletter is now an email newsletter that displays snippets and links to Glen Mar Website articles, or blogs. On the website, these blogs can be found by The Messenger Blog Category. On the Glen Mar website if you navigate to “Happenings>Blog” you can see “Categories” including “The Messenger”. A printed version of the newsletter will be available each quarter in the Gathering Place.
As events are planned and Blogs/Events are added to the website, they can be included in the next Messenger as well.
View the procedure for submissions on the Messenger Newsletter – Deadline blog.
Publish Dates: The Messenger newsletter is distributed to our subscribers in a formatted email and is available in printed form on the following dates each year: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1.
Worship Bulletin Announcement
Announcements are featured on the inside of our Worship Bulletins, handed out to congregants as they walk in to the Spirit Center on Sunday. Announcements are also featured on our web blog, This Just In and may also be sent out in our Children, Middle School, and High School newsletters.
To request an Announcement:
- Write a concise announcement 50 words or less.
- Please include dates you want your announcement to appear in the Worship Bulletin.
- See Pre-Service/TV Slides below if you wish to include a Pre-Service slide with your announcement.
- Email to an***********@gl********.org by 12:00 pm Wednesday prior to desired Sunday Worship date.
- If you don’t receive confirmation for your request, email the an***********@gl********.org.
If you simply cannot keep your announcement to 50 words or less, consider a Website Blog Request. This form includes the Announcement request, that can refer to the blog for more information. (So, like the Website Event Request, it is a one-stop shop and you wouldn’t need to email an***********@gl********.org.)
Pre-Service/TV Slides
Pre-Service/TV Slides are a great way to get visual attention. Slides are displayed on monitors in the Spirit Center and throughout the Glen Mar building before Worship as well as throughout the week, and on the Live Stream Video on Sunday Mornings. Slides typically accompany either a Bulletin Announcement (Pre-Service) or a Ministry Spotlight (After Sermon).
Guidelines for creating Slides:
- Size of TV Slide graphic – 1920 x 1080 px (16:9 ratio)
- Wording should be concise and large enough to be legible (48pt or larger) from a distance. Less is more, keep in mind that they are shown for 8 seconds.
- We suggest using Canva or PowerPoint to create slides.
- Send your slide with your announcement or ministry spotlight request.
- If you need help with a slide, request needs to be made to the announcement/spotlight email 10 days prior to desired use date.
Ministry Spotlight
After (and sometimes before) the sermon, the pastor gives the Ministry Spotlight – a verbal blurb with an accompanying TV Slide or a Video and an invitation to visit a table in the Gathering Place following worship. Any combination of these options may be requested.
To request a Ministry Spotlight:
- Include the following information in your email:
- Title your email with Name of Event & desired spotlight dates
- Write a two-sentence paragraph for the verbal announcement
- Table & number of chairs needed
- TV Slide (see directions for Pre-Service/TV Slide above for standards or if you need one created)
- If you have a video, do not send it via email, let us know in your email and we will send you instructions on how to upload video.
- Email to sp*******@gl********.org by 9:00 am Wednesday prior to desired Sunday Worship date (subject to space constraint, so get your request in as soon as possible!)
- If you do not receive confirmation for your request, email sp*******@gl********.org.