Dear Glen Mar friends,
When I was in college, I spent every Wednesday at 5 pm in the Chapel basement with Wesley friends—we had a short communion service that I came to love (and I came to crave the Lord’s Supper as a result in my life). It was like a spiritual filling station (what we old timers call “gas stations.”). One Wednesday, we had a guest officiant, Rev. Paula Gilbert. She talked about when Jesus says “Remember me…” (Do this in remembrance of me…remember me when you take this bread and cup), he doesn’t mean intellectual remembering. The sense of it is much bigger than that. She talked about gathering at the Lord’s Table, from all our fragmented lives and in that place, we are “Re-Membered” as the Body of Christ gathered, and sent forth to serve.
This Sunday, we’ll talk about the thieves who were on Jesus’ right and left on Good Friday, and what we can learn from their witness at the cross. In a world where we fear being “forgotten,” what does it mean to be “remembered” and” Re-Membered” by Christ even and especially when we need him the most?
Support our youth’s 30 hour famine by grabbing a baked good to go with your coffee! Please come! You’re in for a blessing!
See you in church,
Pastor Mandy
PS. Our Early Learning Center is currently enrolling for the next school year. Please share with friends and family. Here’s the link to their home page.