Dear Glen Mar friends,
I was a big fan of the TV show Cheers when I was in college. One of the characters would come into the bar and people would always shout his name, “Norm!!” The theme song of the show contained the lyrics, “Sometimes you wanna go… where everybody knows your name, and they’re always glad you came… you wanna be where you can see, troubles are all the same. You wanna be where everybody knows your name.”
Our God is a God who knows who we are, and who knows what we need. And in Jesus, we have come to know God in a deep way. This relational God calls us to be relational too. As we start a new series called “Come to the Table” I hope you’ll join us in worship as we study what it means to be welcomed by God, and to welcome others, to know God, be known by God and to come to know others.
We want to share God’s love with each other and with people in our community that we might not know yet, but God wants us to get to know!
- Join us for Kids and the Law – What Every Parent Needs to Know! The zoom event will be on Tuesday, Oct. 24 at 8 pm. Register here for Zoom link.
- Trunk or Treat is happening this year! We are expecting a big crowd, so please bring your car (decorate away if you can!) and/or costume and hand out candy! October 28 is the day! Register here!
- Journey to Bethlehem – Please sign up for your role in Journey to Bethlehem! And if you haven’t ever participated, this is YOUR year!
- Jewels for Hope – We need buyers! Come on out for some great bargains at this HUGE sale. Saturday, November 4 is the day! From 8:30 – 2:00 pm at the church!
See you in church this Sunday!
Pastor Mandy
For more information on what’s going on at Glen Mar, check out our blog “This Just In.”