
This Just In: February 22, 2023

This Just In

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.

Lent Begins – Wednesday, February 22

We live in a culture bent on definitions of a good life as continuous upward mobility – climbing ladders of prosperity with increasingly fabulous experiences that we can post to ever-more-likable social media accounts. We may comb the shelves of the self-help section of libraries or bookstores in search of just the right formula to gain success. Perhaps we even gravitate towards spiritual leaders who promise great rewards if we only do “the right thing.” But life happens, right? [Read More]

During Lent, We Reflect on the Life of Christ

Part of Jesus’ humanity included experiences of negative emotion, including sadness and loneliness. God never intended for us to be completely self-sufficient. Part of God’s plan is for each of us to turn to others for help when we need it. Consider having a trained Stephen Minister in your life. To find out more, talk to one of the pastors, contact us by


or call the Pastors Assistant at Glen Mar Church.

Your Voice Matters

Be on the lookout for an email survey – Horizons Stewardship Survey – about your participation in the life of Glen Mar. This anonymous survey helps us understand where we are on target in our use of the resources provided for our ministries and missions, and where we can improve our focus.


What is it? We have updated our church information system which will give us a WHOLE NEW WAY to CONNECT at Glen Mar. Using your cell phone or computer, you will be able to see what’s going on at Glen Mar Church, connect with your groups, receive news, sign up for events, update your information, and more! Look for invitation emails in the next few weeks to reset passwords or to join us. Contact the Realm Connect Team for more information. [Read More]

30 Hour Famine

This past Friday and Saturday Glen Mar’s Confirmation Class fasted for 30 hours to draw attention to world hunger and to raise money to make a difference. They learned about the challenges of poverty and about how World Vision helps people overcome those challenges. You can support them by making a donation on Sunday (Feb 26) in the Gathering Place (there will be baked goods and nail cross necklaces to purchase as well) or online.

Praise Band “Interest Jam” for Sunday, February 26 has been cancelled

Sorry to those looking forward to this event, we will schedule another one soon!

Youth Sunday Afternoon Trail Walk – Join us this Sunday at 3pm

Let’s meet at Rockburn Park and walk in nature as a spiritual discipline. Park in the “Disc Golf” parking lot. Contact Pastor Heerak for details.

Glen Mar Ministry Town Hall – Tuesday, February 28 at 7:00 pm

You don’t want to miss this Town Hall meeting. Join us in person or on Zoom. This month we will focus on our transition to Realm and what that means to our Glen Mar Ministries and small groups – including an opportunity for the audience to ask questions. [Read More]

VBS 2023 – Registration Begins Wednesday, March 1

Save the date for VBS 2023 – Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light – July 10-14. Registration begins March 1. It’s going to be out of this world! Visit our table in the gathering place for more information or to sign up to volunteer.

Grassroots Cold Weather Shelter – March 7

Due to an unexpected need, Glen Mar has agreed to provide individually packaged breakfasts, lunches, and dinners for 35 guests for one day. Volunteers are needed to feed 35 guests. Delivery to Glen Mar is needed by Tuesday, March 7th. Volunteers are needed to deliver bulk items, sandwiches, and dinner meals to Glen Mar by no later than 8 PM on Tuesday, March 7th. Visit our table in the Gathering Place on Sunday to sign up or email the CWS Team.

Tween Lent Small Group – Sign Your Tweens Up Today! Begins Wednesday, March 1

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, March 1, 8, 15, and 22 – A four week small group for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders to dig into the Bible and learn about “Christian Life” led by Bryan Robb. Contact Pastor Heerak or Julie Metakes to sign up.

Youth Sunday – March 12

All youth are invited to help lead both Sunday worship services, 9:30 and 11:00 am. Contact Pastor Heerak to sign up or to learn more.

ChiliFest & Cornhole Tournament – Sunday, March 19 at 1:00 pm

Help raise vital funds during the housing crisis for Bridges to Housing Stability. The event is hosted by First Presbyterian of Howard County. Donate, buy meals, and register today! [Read More]

Youth Mission Trip – SAVE THE DATE – June 25 to July 1

Our youth summer mission trip will be to Plymouth, North Carolina from June 25 – July 1. Be on the lookout for more information, or contact Pastor Heerak.

Read this week’s Pastor’s Ponderings
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Pastor’s Ponderings – A Holy Lent