
This Just In: February 16, 2023

This Just In

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.


What is it? We have updated our church information system which will give us a WHOLE NEW WAY to CONNECT at Glen Mar. Using your cell phone or computer, you will be able to see what’s going on at Glen Mar Church, connect with your groups, receive news, sign up for events, update your information, and more! Look for invitation emails in the next few weeks to reset passwords or to join us. Contact the Realm Connect Team for more information. [Read More]

Tween Lent Small Group – Sign Your Tweens Up Today!

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm, March 1, 8, 15, and 22 – A four week small group for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders to dig into the Bible and learn about “Christian Life” led by Bryan Robb. Contact Pastor Heerak or Julie Metakes to sign up.

Youth Sunday -March 12

All youth are invited to help lead worship. Contact Pastor Heerak to sign up or to learn more.

ChiliFest & Cornhole Tournament – Sunday, March 19 at 1:00 pm

Help raise vital funds during the housing crisis for Bridges to Housing Stability. The event is hosted by First Presbyterian of Howard County. Donate, buy meals, and register today! [Read More]

Your Voice Matters

Be on the lookout for an email survey about your participation in the life of Glen Mar. This anonymous survey helps us understand where we are on target in our use of the resources provided for our ministries and missions, and where we can improve our focus.

Calling All Men in Song!

Men In Black, GMC’s Men’s Choir, is making another appearance at the 9:30 service on Sunday, February 26. Please contact Eric Sayers for more information.

In what types of situations do Stephen Ministers provide care?

Stephen Ministers provide care to individuals facing difficult times in life – grief, cancer, divorce, financial difficulties, hospitalization, chronic illness, job loss, disability, loneliness, a spiritual crisis, or other life struggles. For information about help available during times of stress, speak to a Pastor or email us.

Youth Sunday Afternoon Trail Walk – Join us this Sunday at 3pm

Let’s meet at Rockburn Park and walk in nature as a spiritual discipline. Park in the “Disc Golf” parking lot. Contact Pastor Heerak for details.

Base Bible Study – Next (6th) meeting on Tuesday, February 21 from 7:00 to 9:00 pm

Curious about the Bible? Join us for Base, an introduction to the Bible. Each session begins with 45-60 minutes of presentation followed by 30-45 minutes of discussion. We’re meeting on Zoom, so no commute, no homework, no materials, no stress! Anyone is welcome and you can join anytime. [Read More]

Wear Your Mission Trip T-Shirt on Sunday, February 19

Support the 2023 Youth Mission Trip! Get that old mission trip t-shirt out of where ever it is and put it on and come to Glen Mar for worship!

Youth Summer Mission Trip – Meeting on Sunday, February 19

This year’s Youth Summer Mission Trip will be the week of June 25 – July 1, doing home repair in Plymouth, NC. Please join our information meeting in the “Youth Lounge” on Sunday, February 19 at 12:15 pm.

Lunch Bunch “Pot Luck” – Tuesday, February 21 at 11:30 am

Join our group of “seasoned citizens” (55 and up) who meet in the lower lobby for fellowship, fun and, of course, lunch. Bring a main dish, side dish, or dessert. If you have questions, please contact Lois or



Pancake Supper to Benefit Grassroots – Mardi Gras (Shrove) Tuesday, February 21

Prepare for the start of Lent by eating pancakes with your Glen Mar family. Glen Mar’s Pancake Supper will be in person this year, and proceeds (free will donation) will benefit Grassroots. In celebration of Mardi Gras, wear a funny hat! Please let us know you plan to attend. Join us this Sunday, before or after worship, in the Gathering Place to sign up. [Read More]

Lent Starts Soon! Ash Wednesday, February 22

Mark your calendars for the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday. Come to Glen Mar for “Ashes to Go” from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Join us on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm for our Lent Worship Service and the beginning of the Lenten Sermon Series. If you would like a lenten guide for this season, visit the Lenten Sermon Series event page. [Read More]

Confirmation Class’ 30 Hour Famine, February 24 & 25

Support Glen Mar’s Confirmation Class as they fast for 30 hours to fight world poverty. Donate to a participating youth between services on Sunday, or on our Team’s 30 Hour Famine Page.

Our Next Turn @ Rt. 1 DRC – Saturday, February 25, 11:45 am to 2:00 pm

One of 50 churches supporting the Grassroots Rt. 1 Day Resource Center (DRC), Glen Mar provides lunch on the 4th Saturday of every month. If you’d like to contribute to the potluck menu, help serve on site, or even view future SignUps, visit our blog!

Interested in Playing or Singing in the Praise Band? Join us Sunday, February 26

All are welcome to join our “Interest Jam Session” after 11:00 am worship (12:15) as we play through some favorite worship songs with the Praise Band. Those interested in joining the team are invited to sign up in the Gathering Place after both services this Sunday.

Glen Mar Ministry Town Hall – Tuesday, February 28 at 7:00 pm

Join us in person or on Zoom. This month the Ministry Planning Committee will tell us about their “Radical Hospitality Initiative” including an opportunity for the audience to ask questions. [Read More]

Vacation Bible School is Going to be STELLAR! July 10 – 14

Save the date for this summer’s Vacation Bible School – coming July 10 – 14, 2023. The theme is “Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light” and it’s going to be out of this world! Glen Mar’s VBS is for kids currently in kindergarten through 6th grade. Older youth and adults are encouraged to volunteer. Registration begins March 1.

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Pastor’s Ponderings – A Holy Lent
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