
This Just In: March 11, 2022

Connect, Kids News & Events, Mission Minute, Opportunities to Serve, This Just In, Youth News & Events
artists, children, holy week prayer walk, kids, summer mission trip, Vacation Bible School, VBS, volunteer

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.

I Give Up – Lenten Booklet & Calendar

The season of Lent is a time when we lean into our spiritual disciplines such as prayer, fasting, scripture reading, meditation, worship, service, and Sabbath-keeping. As a part of our Lenten journey, we are inviting people to join us in our daily Lenten (Monday-Friday) devotions written by your pastors. [Read More]

Baptism Class

If you are interested in getting baptized or having your child baptized and have never attended a baptism class, we meet every 2nd Sunday except Easter & Mother’s Day in room 144. For more information, please email Pastor Melaina. [Read More]

Calling Artists

Do you like to draw or paint? Would you like to help share the story of how God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son? If so, we need your help! Sign up now to illustrate part of the greatest story ever told! For questions contact Amy Barnes. [Read More]

Creative Person Needed

Are you looking for ways to use your spiritual gifts! Are you artistic and love crafts? We need your help for next year’s Day of Service. Please consider helping us and email the Day of Service Team. [Read More]

Habitat for Humanity

We are still collecting plastic storage tubs and bins to manage supplies. To donate, ask questions or get involved with Habitat for Humanity, contact Adrienne Taylor. AND in case you haven’t seen this yet, our fearless facilitator got a shout out in this month’s Habitat blog. Thank you Adrienne for all you do!

Summer Mission Trips: Hurley, June 26 – July 2; Local Mission Week July 25-29

Build relationships while repairing homes in Hurley, VA (8th grade & older) or serve for a half day, several days, or all week in the local area (6th grade and older). [Read More]

Vacation Bible School – July 11-15, 2022 from 9:00 to 12:00 pm

Mark your calendars for Vacation Bible School this summer – Monumental: Celebrating God’s Greatness. We’ll go “off-road” for a Monumental adventure through the colorful canyons and sunbaked trails of the southwest. By exploring God’s awesomeness, kids form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead. Registration began March 1 for kids entering 1st-7th grade fall 2022. [Sign Up Today!

Use Your Gifts at Vacation Bible School

Be a part of our adventure this summer by volunteering for VBS! This is a fun way to get to know others and experience God at work in our community. Adults and youth entering 8th grade Fall 2022, can help in a variety of ways. We have openings at every level of ability. Choose your VBS job today.

Attention Ministry/Group Leaders

Things are finally getting back to “Business as Usual” at Glen Mar. Please check our internal calendar for your meetings, studies, events, etc., to make sure your rooms are reserved for current events. If you need to plan a future event, check out our new blog, Ministry Corner.

Safe Sanctuaries Training

Are you volunteering for VBS? Do you volunteer/work with Glen Mar children, youth, or vulnerable adults? Safe Sanctuaries Training/Refresh is a requirement every two years. To check your training status, email us. If you have never taken training before, sign up today!

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I Give Up – Lenten Booklet & Calendar
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Day of Service 2023 Activity Lead Volunteers Needed