
Youth Group Summer Plans

Youth News & Events

Glen Mar’s Youth Group summer calendar is filled with fun opportunities to get together. Summer kicks off with the final Sunday night Youth Group of the year – Bubble Ball – on June 9. Youth Group will return to Sunday nights with the Fall Kick-off on August 25.

Flip Flop Night

Middle and high school youth are invited to come out on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 for alternating nights of fun. On game nights (June 26, July 17, 31, and Aug. 14) show up at the baseball field and choose what games to play – anything from football or kickball to epic rock, paper, scissors. Art nights (July 3, 24, Aug. 7 and 21) include painting, cupcake decorating, and karaoke. Art night participants are encouraged to RSVP ahead of time so there are enough supplies for everyone, and there is a suggested donation of $5-10 for supplies.

High School Dinner and a Movie

High schoolers (including rising 9th graders starting in July) will meet at various homes on Tuesday evenings starting June 18 from 6:30 to 10:00 to eat dinner together, watch a movie, and talk about it. Movies for this summer include Vengeance, Barbie, Jesus Revolution, and Wonka. See the full list of movies. Participants should bring $5 for dinner.

Special Events

There will be not one, but TWO youth pool parties this summer – the first on Saturday, July 13, and the second on Saturday, August 10, both from 4:30 to 6:00 in the afternoon. The youth will also spend a day at Six Flags amusement park on Friday, July 26.

Details, including offsite locations, will be in the bulletin and the weekly youth email newsletter. Register for youth group to get the latest information. Questions? Contact us.

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