There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.
What would it be like to welcome a “full house” to worship every week, as more people came to know Jesus through Glen Mar’s online and in-person worship ministries? What would it look like to expand mission trips and service opportunities such that every Glen Martian was intentionally blessing their communities in service – in schools and hospitals, in their homes and in their streets? [Read More]
Zachary Costello Concert – Monday, June 10 at 7:00 pm. Glen Mar’s own Zachary Costello will be giving a live Saxophone Concert in the Spirit Center. Zachary is a dynamic performer known for his genre-blending performances and captivating presence. Enjoy pieces from Maslanka, David, Scott, Decruck, Ishikawa, and more. The concert is free and light refreshments will be provided afterward.
Summer Concert 2 – Friday, June 21 at 7:00 pm. The Ken & Brad Kolodner Quartet will perform in the Summer Concert Series — outside. A hot dog bar and beverages will be available starting at 5:00 p.m. for a suggested donation of $10 and a children’s option for $5. To participate in a jam after the concert, bring your instruments. For more information, see the Summer Concert Series table in the Gathering Place this Sunday. [Learn More]
Alphabet Soup, Glen Mar’s first Reconciling Community, is celebrating Pride Month and the recent changes in the UMC. Stop by our table in the Gathering Place on Sunday for a high-five or a hug or to learn more. For more information, contact the Reconciling Ministry Team.
Join Our 2025 Day of Service Planning Team – We need your creativity, ideas, and energy! We will meet monthly to select partner organizations, activities, and goals. If you are interested, please send an email to the Day of Service Team. Let’s make a difference together! Visit our table in the Gathering Place after worship this Sunday. [Read about this past year’s Day of Service]
Mark Your Calendars for Youth Summer Fun!
Summer Youth Group fun shifts during the summer to weeknights and a few Saturdays.
- High School Dinner and a Movie meets on Tuesdays starting June 18.
- Come out on Wednesday nights starting June 26 for Flip Flop Night, alternating between game night and art night.
- Pool parties are scheduled for July 13 and August 10, and
- Six Flags Day is July 26.
Pick up a summer calendar at the Welcome Center or outside the Youth Office. Register now to receive offsite locations, signup links, and more. [Learn More]
Chesapeake Challenge MS Bike Ride in June
In support of the Multiple Sclerosis Society, a team of cyclists will be participating in the Chesapeake Challenge MS Bike Ride the weekend of June 22 and 23. This team: the MS Riders on the Storm includes seven members from Glen Mar. Visit our table in the Gathering Place on Sunday, June 16! For more information, please contact Phyllis. Donate to our team now on our Team Page.
Glen Mar Singles Social Network
Are you looking for a social group of people who like to get together and do fun, interesting, meaningful stuff? Join us. We are a social group, not a dating group or a place to find a future spouse. We are a group of Christian singles—divorced, widowed, never married—who enjoy one another’s company. We meet for brunch on 1st Sundays, potluck on 3rd Saturdays, and more! For more info and to get on our email list, email
Collection for Migrants
Glen Mar’s Social Justice Group is partnering with Capitol Hill UMC in Washington, D.C. to provide hygiene kits and other supplies to migrants who are sent by bus from Arizona and Texas. During the month of June, the group will be collecting hygiene items, socks, underwear, and backpacks. Pick up a flyer in the Gathering Place for more details. [See list of needed items – Learn More]
Hosts Needed for Dinner & Movie Nights
Families are needed to host our summer high school youth weekly gathering to eat dinner together then watch and discuss a recent movie. We will be meeting on Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 10pm. Hosts need to provide dinner for 12ish youth and have a TV space for the same size group. Youth will bring money to help pay for dinner. We only still need hosts for July 23 and August 13. To volunteer or for a list of movies, please contact D.C. Veale.
Glen Mar Early Learning Center – Registration Now Open
Registration is NOW OPEN to the community for the Glen Mar ELC. We are busy planning our 2024-2025 school year. We offer full-day care for infants through 5 years old. Check out our website for more information and to schedule a tour today! [ELC Website]
Social Justice Group
We usually meet on 2nd Tuesdays, but will not be meeting this month. For more info, please email Jen Rowell.
How Does Stephen Ministry Work?
Men are matched with male Stephen Ministers, and women are matched with female Stephen Ministers. It’s free. It’s confidential. And it will make a difference in your life. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, talk to one of the pastors or email the Stephen Ministry team. [Learn More]
Youth Group June 9, 5:30-7 pm
School is almost over and it is time to have some awesome fun. At youth group this week we will be playing Bubble Ball by Wonderfly, think of it as a giant balloon of awesomeness that lets you run into your friends without getting hurt. Come out for this super sized youth group from 5:30-7:30. Bring $5 for dinner. (Please fill out and sign this waiver.)
Dancing Needles – Thursday, June 13 at 1:00 pm
Join us for our last meeting of the season. We’ll start back up in September. We meet in Room 144 to knit, crochet, and share together. Donations of yarn are always welcome.
Next Baptism/New Member Sunday is June 16
Baptism/New Member Sundays happen on the 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are interested in having a baptism, please fill out a Baptism Form. If you would like to become a member, please sign up for our next New Members Class: Lunch w/the Pastors or contact Pastor’s Assistant, Mary Ellen.
Alphabet Soup – Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 pm
Looking for a safe space where you can be yourself? Alphabet Soup is a reconciling community, celebrating diversity and inclusiveness, and welcoming and affirming ALL people. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 PM in Room 124. Learn more at on our Community Groups page or email our Reconciling Ministry team.
Our Next Turn @ Rt. 1 DRC – June 22, 2024 – 11:45 am – 2:00 pm
One of 50 churches supporting the Grassroots Rt. 1 Day Resource Center (DRC), Glen Mar provides lunch on the 4th Saturday of every month. If you’d like to contribute to the potluck menu, help serve on site, or even view future SignUps, Visit Our Blog.
Grassroots Meals Ministry: Make a Meal – Tuesday, June 25
Love to cook? Looking for a way to serve those in need in Howard County? Sign up today to provide a meatloaf or two for the Grassroots emergency shelter, serving families in need in Howard County. Read more about the Grassroots Meals Ministry or email Linda Hunt.
Lighthouse Congregation
Glen Mar Church is a Lighthouse Congregation of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church.
See the Upcoming Events Happening at Glen Mar Church
See our Glen Mar Events Calendar