
Confirmation Class Information Meeting

The Messenger
fall kickoff 2022, The Messenger 2022-08-15

Confirmation Class is a year-long experience that prepares you to take responsibility for your own faith and life within the church.

Who is it for?

Confirmation Class is for all youth in the eighth grade and older who desire to make a profession of faith but have not yet been confirmed. Confirmation is an important part of your faith journey in the United Methodist Church.

To enroll, students and their parents are invited to attend the information meeting on Sunday, August 28, 2022 at 11:00 am in the Youth Lounge. We will be sharing our plans for the class this year and answering questions you may have. If you are interested but unable to attend the meeting, please contact Jen Rowell.

How does it work?

Classes will meet on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, starting Sunday, September 11 and continuing through May. The program will culminate on Sunday, June 4 at a special 4:00 pm Confirmation Service. The class will be taught by lay leaders and staff of Glen Mar. A class service project and a final retreat weekend will also be part of the class. Specific dates and a schedule will be provided at the information meeting.

Each student will need to choose an adult mentor to act as a “Friend-in-Faith” during the confirmation process. We recommend choosing a member of Glen Mar who is not a relative or the parent of another confirmation student (though non-Glen Mar people are also acceptable). Now is a good time to be thinking about who you might ask – don’t forget to consider people your parents know as possible Friends in Faith.


Contact Jen Rowell.

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