Dear Glen Mar friends,
This Sunday is Commitment Sunday, where we will affirm our commitments to follow Jesus through our ministries at Glen Mar UMC. I hope you’ve had the chance to review our Mission Possible updated brochure and have joined me in the prayerful willingness prayer: “God, how do you want to use me and that which you have given me?” We will consecrate our estimates of giving cards for this year’s mission and ministry campaign. If you don’t want to change your commitment, you don’t have to fill anything new out. This is a chance to prayerfully change your pledge/estimate of giving or if you don’t have one yet, to make that estimate of giving as an act of faith.
As we also prepare for Pentecost and Confirmation Weekend, I’m grateful for the privilege of Glen Mar’s hosting the Annual Conference of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the UMC. Glen Mar servants have done such a great job in hospitality and facilities, music, worship and of course, tech, putting in hours to make sure things go smoothly. I was so proud to see our own Ian Greenhorn participate in Opening Worship—He did such an amazing job. Folks from our Music Ministry supported the Memorial Service today. Tomorrow we will close the Conference with our Ordination service and Pastor Heerak will be among those ordained. The event is “ticket required” but you can view it online at
This Sunday, I invite you to join me in wearing orange to honor those affected by gun violence and in remembrance those who have died from gun violence, especially all the victims of so many recent tragedies in places like Buffalo, Uvalde and Tulsa.
Also, tomorrow, Friday, 6/3, at 7 pm Howard County leaders will have a ceremony at the George Howard building, 3430 Courthouse Drive, proclaiming June 3 National Gun Violence Awareness Day, and the kickoff to Wear Orange Weekend. I cannot attend because I need to be at the Ordination Service, but wanted to invite you to be a part of it. If you want to go and carpool, let me know and I’ll see if I can get a group together, even if I can’t go.
The Holy Spirit is the breath that gives life, and blows where it will…you will not want to miss the powerful worship that awaits us this weekend…get ready, Glen Mar!
See you in church (in person or online)
Pastor Mandy
PS On June 19 (Father’s Day), join us for Glen Mar day at Camden Yards which will also be a fundraiser for Grassroots. The Orioles will play Tampa Bay Rays and everyone will sit in section 360. Buy tickets and get more info here: