
preventing gun violence

Pastors Pondering -Pentecost, Confirmation, Commitment

Pastor's Ponderings
Annual Conference, Commitment Sunday, confirmation, National Gun Violence Day, Pentecost, preventing gun violence, Wear Orange Weekend
Dear Glen Mar friends, This Sunday is Commitment Sunday, where we will affirm our commitments to follow Jesus through our ministries at Glen Mar UMC. I hope you’ve had the chance to review our Mission Possible updated brochure and have joined me in the prayerful willingness prayer: “God, how do you want to use me and that which you have…

Pastors Pondering -Weeping in Ramah

Pastor's Ponderings
elementary school tragedy, Everytown, Isaiah 58:12, Jeremiah 31:15, Moms Demand Action, preventing gun violence, Romans 12:21, Texas, tragedy
Dear Glen Mar friends I am feeling heartbroken and sick today following the mass shooting at the elementary school yesterday. I am thinking about Jeremiah 31:15, “Thus says the Lord: A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children…”.  I know you join me in deep and fervent prayer for the families of those…