
This Just In: May 22, 2024

This Just In

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.


1st Summer Concert – Monumental Brass Quintet – Friday, May 31 at 7:00 pm. Join us in the Spirit Center at Glen Mar! This quintet is known for playing Renaissance, jazz, and contemporary chamber music with energy and spirit. [Read More]

Join Our 2025 Day of Service Planning Team – We need your creativity, ideas, and energy! We will meet monthly to select partner organizations, activities, and goals. If you are interested, please send an email to the Day of Service Team. Let’s make a difference together! Visit our table in the Gathering Place after worship this Sunday. [Read about this past year’s Day of Service]

Church-Wide Picnic at noon on Sunday, June 9 featuring chicken barbecue prepared by George Dohner and crew. What will we celebrate? Mission Possible: Room to Grow – Commitment Sunday and the ministry of Pastor Melaina for her departure Sunday. Don’t miss the celebration! Visit our table in the Gathering Place on Sunday, May 26 or Register HERE Today. [Read More]


Graduating Seniors

All Glen Mar members are encouraged to congratulate any of our 18+ 12th graders who will be graduating from high school this week. This is an important milestone in a young person’s life, and we want our youth to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.

Hosts Need for Dinner & Movie Nights

Families are needed to host our summer high school youth weekly gathering to eat dinner together then watch and discuss a recent movie. We will be meeting on Tuesday nights from 6:30 – 10pm. Hosts need to provide dinner for 12ish youth and have a TV space for the same size group. Youth will bring money to help pay for dinner. We need hosts on June 18, July 2, 16, 23, 30, and Aug. 6, 13, & 20. To volunteer or for a list of movies, please contact D.C. Veale.

VBS Registration Closes on June 1

Register for VBS – VBS registration closes on June 1. Don’t miss a fun week of undersea adventure diving into the love of God – July 8-12, 9 am – noon. Register Today! [Learn More]

800th Habitat Home Milestone & Dedication – Wednesday, June 12 at 12:00 pm

We Have 800 Reasons to Smile! Glen Mar crew and supporters are invited to join Habitat in celebrating this amazing milestone – as well as six more first-time homeowners. Sign up to be a part of the celebration – Register today! [Learn More]

Glen Mar Early Learning Center – Registration Now Open

Registration is NOW OPEN to the community for the Glen Mar ELC. We are busy planning our 2024-2025 school year. We offer full-day care for infants through 5 years old. Check out our website for more information and to schedule a tour today! [ELC Website]

Ready to Listen, Care for, and Encourage

Stephen Ministers are here at Glen Mar, ready to listen, care for and encourage you through whatever it is that you are facing. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, talk to one of the pastors or email the Stephen Ministry team. [Learn More]

Youth: Come See Me

The youth leaders would love to see our 6th-12th graders doing something they enjoy outside of church – things like sports, music, drama, and dance, or other things that are different from those. Tell us about what you’re up to on the yellow “Come See Me” sheet by the sign-in on Sunday morning or evening, or contact D.C. Veale with the details.


Youth Bed Build – Sunday May 26 from 3:00 – 6:00 pm

“No kid sleeps on the floor in my town!” It is time to head over to Sleep in Heavenly Peace for our bed build day. The build site address is 9143E Red Branch Road in Columbia. Join us and let’s do some good in our community. We’ll work together and build beds for kids in our community who are sleeping on the floor. Register and complete waivers in advance – email the Youth Leaders for the link.

Grassroots Meals Ministry: Make a Meal – Tuesday, May 28

Love to cook? Looking for a way to serve those in need in Howard County? Sign up today to provide a meatloaf or two for the Grassroots emergency shelter, serving families in need in Howard County. [Learn More]

Mission Trip Training – Saturday, June 1 from 9:00 am – noon

If you’re going on this year’s mission trip to Plymouth, NC, plan to be at the final training. Meet your crew and get some hands-on tool training. All paperwork and payments are due by June 1. [Read More]

Family Matters Pot Luck Dinner – Saturday, June 1 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Do you have kids in preschool through middle school? We are a small group that typically meets every 1st Saturday of the month. This is a great opportunity to make friends with other families with kids at Glen Mar! Bring the whole family, an entrée or side dish and join us in the Glen Mar Youth Lounge.

HOLA Toastmasters of Ellicott City – Tuesday, June 4 at 7:30 pm

We meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday evenings at 7:30 pm. We have hybrid meetings both online and in person on first Tuesdays at Glen Mar and on ZOOM only on third Tuesdays. For more info email Rajan Gupta.

Habitat For Humanity – Next work date is June 8

Do you enjoy doing handy work? Or do you wish you knew how to do handy tasks around your home? The Glen Mar Habitat Crew welcomes you to join us, either way. You must be 16 or older to work on a Habitat site. We work the second Saturday of every month. If construction isn’t your gift, you can still support this wonderful mission by volunteering in the Restores. Contact Adrienne Taylor to learn more or to sign up.

Social Justice Group – Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 pm in room 159

Passionate about social justice and want to make a difference in the world? Join us as we explore ways to support migrants arriving in D.C.

Dancing Needles – Next June 13 at 1:00 pm

Do you enjoy knitting and crocheting or would you like to learn? We need you in our prayer shawl group. Prayer shawls are given to those in hospital and those in need of special care as a reminder that others care and are praying for them. The group is also making baby blankets for our newborns and scarves for our armed forces. We usually meet the second Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm in Room 144 to knit, crochet, and share together. If you wish you can knit or crochet at home and we can arrange to have your finished items picked up or dropped off at church. Donations of yarn are always welcome.

Next Baptism/New Member Sunday is June 16

Baptism/New Member Sundays happen on the 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are interested in having a baptism, please fill out a Baptism Form. If you would like to become a member, please sign up for our next New Members Class: Lunch w/the Pastors or contact Pastor’s Assistant, Mary Ellen.

The Ken & Brad Kolodner Quartet – Friday, June 21 at 7:00 pm

The quartet will perform a free concert, followed by a jam session—BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS! The quartet will play traditional and original music. This is the second offering in Glen Mar’s 2024 Summer Concert Series. [Learn More]

Summer Mission Trip – June 23-29

We have room to add some more people to our summer mission trip to Plymouth, NC, June 23-29. Adults and youth currently in 8th grade or older are encouraged to join us for the best week of the summer and a week that will change your lives. $200 per person, scholarships available. Contact D.C. Veale for more information, or register online today!.

Lighthouse Congregation

Glen Mar Church is a Lighthouse Congregation of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church.

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