
Love In Action

The Messenger
The Messenger 2023-05-01
By Melaina Trice, Pastor for Worship & Communication Once upon a time, I was a lanky kid with very little interest in team sports. For the most part, I was a creative kid who enjoyed escaping into my imagination to write stories and poetry, draw pictures, and build Lego houses. I did enjoy riding my bike (correction . . .…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Please Pray With Me

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, This Sunday is a Sunday we’re calling “Prayer Sunday” as will we will begin praying together for one another, for our church and for our stewardship campaign and all the people God is calling us to reach and to bless through Glen Mar, especially in the next 3 years, in this crucial season of Glen Mar’s…

Pastor’s Ponderings – The Cornerstone

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, I am not a good builder. I don’t do well with blocks or Legos or even Lincoln Logs. I think I just don’t have that spatial, visual ability. But when I have occasion to build with blocks (usually with an ELC preschooler), I am pretty selective about the blocks I choose to start with, to make…

Pastor’s Ponderings – Happy Easter (Still!)

Pastor's Ponderings
Dear Glen Mar friends, I’m so grateful for the wonderful Holy Week we had at Glen Mar this year and for all the work and love that went into all of it. Truly, the church is the collected people of God, using their gifts, as one body, blessed to be a blessing to others! I’m grateful. Easter is not just…