
Christ the King, a.k.a. Jesus is Lord

Pastor's Ponderings
advent, christ, Christmas, Jesus, thanksgiving

Dear Glen Mar friends,

You may not know this, but this Sunday is Christ the King Sunday and It marks the end of the Christian liturgical year. It’s also the Sunday before Thanksgiving too. And as we come to the “end of the year” it is good to be reminded that Jesus is Lord of our lives and hearts. To say Jesus is Lord is to say that we are not, that our secular leaders are not, that racism, injustice, and oppression are not. It is a reminder that our baptisms are our primary allegiance, and as people of faith, we are called to serve our Lord at all times and all places. We view our politics, and our jobs, and our families, and our finances through the lens of Christ’s lordship. And so, to “give thanks” on the last Thursday in November is to give thanks to the One who is Lord, the one who comes to save, love, heal and free us and all creation.

What are you thankful for, at the end of this Church year? Let us come ready to give thanks and praise God, and recommit ourselves to serve Jesus as Lord in the “new year.” We’ll have baptisms at both services—a chance to renew our own vows to “serve Jesus as our Lord, in union with the Church which is open to people of all ages, nations, and races” and to “use the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.” We’ll conclude our worship series “Did the Bible Really Say that?” with “God said it…that settles it.”

Looking ahead: I hope you will join an Advent study small group to make your Advent anticipation and preparation more meaningful, and I hope you will invite all your friends to Journey to Bethlehem. Christmas Eve services and our Service of Hope and Healing (Dec. 18) are on the way, and we are collecting toys and gifts for Wish Upon A Star families.

See You In Church!
Pastor Mandy

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