
This Just In: August 12, 2022

This Just In
ayreheart, day resource center, farewell, food truck, jason prechtl, margaret lang, School Supply Collection, sean danaher, Stephen Ministry, stewardship, Summer Concert, summer fun, Summer Series, summer singing opportunities, youth

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.

August Family Worship Series – “I am _____”

In the remaining summer weeks, we will explore who God says we are. This is a good reminder as many voices are contrary to this message. As children and youth prepare to return to school, this will be a helpful reminder. It is also a good reminder for every age. God, our Creator, sees the very best in us and the Holy Spirit perfects and restores us to be and reflect God’s own image. Please let us know if you have any questions. [Read More About Series]

Youth Summer Fun

Monday Night Movies for 6th – 12th Grade Youth: Mondays, 6-9 pm, out back and/or in the Youth Lounge @Glen Mar Church. See the movie list here.
Middle School Scavenger Hunt: Sunday, August 21, 4-5:30 pm @Centennial Park in Columbia, MD – Fun, friends, and a little bit of Jesus.

High School End of Summer POOL PARTY! Saturday, August 27, 4-6:00 pm – More information to come! Be on the lookout.

Mark Your Calendar for Ayreheart – August 12

Mark your calendars for our 2nd Summer Concert with Ayreheart, a progressive folk trio, in the Spirit Center on Friday, August 12 at 7:00 pm. [Read More]

Lunch With the Pastors – August 14 at 12:30 pm

Our pastors would love to meet you, in person, with lunch – on us! Join us for a low pressure “no strings attached” way to get to know us and to ask any questions you may have about our church. We are excited to learn about you, too! [Read More]

Summer Singing Opportunities – August 28

“No Strings” Choir – Sunday, August 28 at 9:30 Service. One-hour rehearsals on Thursday, August 25 at 7:00 pm in the choir room. All are welcome!

Confirmation Class Information Meeting – August 28 at 11:00 am

Eighth grade (and older) youth and their parents can learn all about Confirmation Class, a year-long experience exploring faith and discipleship. If you cannot make the meeting, please contact Jen Rowell.

Need a listening ear during a time of trouble or loss?

Glen Mar’s Stephen Ministers are here to help. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, a free service, read our blog, contact a pastor, or email the Stephen Ministry team to get connected.

Bridges Gift Card Drive 2022

The increasing cost of gas & groceries substantially impacts the ability of Bridges’ clients to pay for rent. Stretched budgets make it difficult for clients to get to work and feed their families. Please consider donating to our gift card drive this summer to help our clients reach their housing and financial goals! [Read More]

HopeWorks Needs Pantry Donations

As mentioned in last week’s Pastor’s Ponderings, HopeWorks is in great need of pantry donations. Due to high demand, they have run out of many staple foods and personal care products. All items donated must be new, unopened, and not expired or used. Toiletries and personal care items must be full size, not travel size. Visit the Hopeworks website for a current list of high demand pantry donation needs. Bring donations to Glen Mar – collection box in the Gathering Place.

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Pastor’s Ponderings – Very Good