
This Just In: April 10, 2024

This Just In

There’s always something happening at Glen Mar.


  • Glen Mar’s Relay for Life Team – “Angels for a Cure” will be in the Gathering Place today to collect donations for the American Cancer Society. They will also take orders for the luminaria in honor or in memory of someone who has had cancer. The date that the Relay will be held is to be determined.
  • New Member Class: Lunch w/the Pastors – Sunday, May 5 at 12:30 pm. Join us for a special New Member Class – for people who want to join Glen Mar Church! We would love to meet with you in person for lunch – on us – and talk about what it means to be a member at Glen Mar Church. Sign up TODAY!

ACT NOW . . .

Youth Summer Mission Trip – REGISTRATION DEADLINE April 13

Youth Summer Mission Trip to Plymouth, NC – June 23 – 29, 8th grade and older, $200 per person. Register by April 13. Training is this Saturday, April 13 at 11:00 am. Get ready for a team building and training session for our upcoming mission trip. If you are signed up for the Mission Trip or are planning to sign up, join us in the Youth World.

Mark Your Calendars for a Special FREE Musical Event – “A Celebration of Hymns” at 7:00 pm on Saturday, May 18.

The event will feature Eric Sayers on piano and conducting Glen Mar’s Sanctuary Choir – singing Eric’s original choral anthems. Covenant Ringers will also be ringing! Wanna sing along? If you’d like to sing with the choir for this event, we’d love to have you! Five weekly rehearsals begin on Thursday, April 18 from 7:00-7:30 pm in the Music Suite downstairs. Contact Sophie Hong for more information.

Save the Date! Monday, June 10 at 7:00 pm

Glen Mar’s Own – Zachary Costello will be giving a live Saxophone Concert in Glen Mar’s Spirit Center. Light refreshments will be provided afterward.

The Messenger Newsletter – SUBMISSION DEADLINE April 15

A lot has been happening around here at Glen Mar in the past three months! A lot of wonderful happenings are planned for May, June, and July 2024! Please share your enthusiasm for how God is working through you and your group, team, or ministry here at Glen Mar. Let’s get the stories behind these happenings in the upcoming Messenger Newsletter. [Read More]

Graduating Seniors – PHOTO DEADLINE April 28

Senior Recognition Sunday is May 12. Email us a senior picture or give one to D.C. Veale by April 28.

Do You Speak a Non-English Language?

On May 19, we celebrate Pentecost. For a special part of the celebration, we are looking for people to speak the same phrases in another language. Please contact Pastor Melaina if you would like to be a part of the Pentecost celebration.

Baptism @ Glen Mar

Parents who wish to have their child baptized as well as adults who wish to be baptized may sign up now for future Baptism dates. Visit our Baptism blog. fill out a form today and we’ll take it from there!

Glen Mar Early Learning Center – Registration Now Open

Registration is NOW OPEN to the community for the Glen Mar ELC. We are busy planning our 2024-2025 school year. We offer full-day care for infants through 5 years old. Check out our website for more information and to schedule a tour today!

Glen Mar’s kids need YOU!

Sunday morning programs at 9:30 for infants through 5th grade need classroom assistants. Sign up to help once or twice a month (or more!). People are especially needed in the Nursery – paid and unpaid positions. Contact Julie Metakes to volunteer or learn more.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) – Register Today!

Registration has begun! Kids currently in kindergarten and older are invited into an amazing undersea adventure where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God this summer at Scuba VBS – July 8-12, 9am to noon, with an extended day option. Adults and youth completing 7th grade and older can volunteer – we love volunteers! Visit our table in the Gathering Place on Sunday, February 25. [Read More]

What is Stephen Ministry?

Stephen Ministry is Christ centered care-giving. Stephen Ministers are congregation members who are trained to listen, care, pray, and encourage those dealing with various life challenges. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, talk to one of the pastors or email the Stephen Ministry team. [Read More]


Youth @ Camden Yards – Sunday, April 14

Youth who have purchased tickets in advance are going to Camden Yards for an Orioles game! We will meet at the church at 12:15 to head up to the Yard and will be back after the game is over.

Lunch Bunch – Tuesday, April 16 at 11:30 am

Lunch Bunch is a group of “seasoned citizens” (55 and up) who meet in the lower lobby for fellowship, fun and, of course, lunch. This month, it’s “Pot Luck ” – so bring a main dish, side dish or dessert. Drinks will be supplied. If you have any questions, contact Lois.

Alphabet Soup – Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00 pm

Looking for a safe space where you can be yourself? Alphabet Soup is a reconciling community, celebrating diversity and inclusiveness, and welcoming and affirming ALL people. The group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm in Room 124. [Read More]

Join Our Men’s Choir! Rehearsal is Wednesday, April 17

Men in Black (MiB) rehearsal is Wednesday, April 17 in the Music Suite downstairs — to prepare to sing at the 9:30 am worship service on Sunday, April 21. Contact Eric Sayers for more information.

Next Baptism/New Member Sunday is April 21

Baptisms and New Member receptions happen on the 3rd Sunday of most months. If you are interested in having a baptism, please fill out a form. If you would like to become a member, please sign up for our next New Members Class Lunch w/the Pastors or email our Pastor’s Assistant, Mary Ellen.

Grassroots Meals Ministry: Make a Meal – Tuesday, April 23

Love to cook? Looking for a way to serve those in need in Howard County? Sign up today to provide a meatloaf or two for the Grassroots emergency shelter, serving families in need in Howard County. Email Linda Hunt. [Read More]

Our Next Turn @ Rt. 1 DRC – April 27, 2024 from 11:45 am – 2:00 pm

One of 50 churches supporting the Grassroots Rt. 1 Day Resource Center (DRC), Glen Mar provides lunch on the 4th Saturday of every month. If you’d like to contribute to the potluck menu, help serve on site, or even view future SignUps, please visit our blog. Or, just sign up here.

Family Matters Pot Luck Dinner – Saturday, May 4 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Do you have kids in preschool through middle school? We are a small group that typically meets every 1st Saturday of the month. This is a great opportunity to make friends with other families with kids at Glen Mar! Bring the whole family, an entrée or side dish and join us in the Glen Mar Youth Lounge.

Lighthouse Congregation

Glen Mar Church is a Lighthouse Congregation of the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church.

See the Upcoming Events Happening at Glen Mar Church

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